Welcome Back

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"So, you have movies, I've shown you how to use the TV, you have books and access to the kitchen." Celestia listed off, "Are you sure you're going to be OK here alone?"

Sunset sat in her bed and nodded, "Celestia, I'm fine, you're only going for the afternoon."

"I know but you have only been here a few days, I feel horrible for leaving you alone." Celestia said.

"You've been looking over me since the earthquake." Sunset said, "You've put everything on hold for me. I'll be fine."

"You are so mature for someone so young." Celestia smiled, "Anyway, I want you to rest today. Lay in bed or on the couch but I don't want you moving around too much."

Sunset rolled her eyes, "OK."

The older woman sighed, And there's the teenager attitude.

Celestia gave Sunset a hug and gave a small wave as she left the room and exited the house.

Sunset relaxed into her bed. Though she wasn't particularly keen on the idea of being left alone, she knew Celestia still had a school to run and Luna couldn't do it alone. Besides, it was only four hours until one of them got home, Sunset just needed a distraction.

She got up and went over to the TV where she had put the movies Luna lent her. It was a series and Luna told her they had to start with a certain one. Well I have nothing better to do.

Sunset put the disk in the player like Celestia had showed her and turned the TV on. She brought the remote over to her bed and got comfortable.


Luna came home around 5 and Celestia had to stay at the school later because of the paperwork Luna couldn't do. Celestia said that she'd grab something for dinner on her way home so Luna was free to relax.

"Sunset, I have returned!" Luna called but was met with silence. What is she up to?

Luna climbed the stairs and approached Sunset's room. She heard some familiar explosions a mechanical noises so she knocked on the door and went inside. Sunset was laying in her bed, eyes glued to the TV across the room. Luna grinned at the two men in battles suits hashing it out on screen.

When Sunset noticed Luna watching the screen, she paused the movie. "Hey, how was work?"

"Fine considering its work." Luna responded. "You watched 'The First Avenger' first, right?"

Sunset nodded.

"And what did you think?" Luna asked hopefully.

"I loved it!" Sunset said excitedly, "I was really mad that Bucky died though. He was my favorite."

Luna smiled at the small pout on the younger girl's face. "I'm glad, how are you liking Iron Man?"

Sunset gave a wide grin, "Tony Stark is a great person and no one can tell me different."

"I like your attitude." Luna chuckled, "Mind if I watch the rest with you?"

Sunset nodded. Luna walked over and sat down on the other side of the bed.

"Where's Celestia?" She asked.

"She had to stay late to finish up her paperwork that I wasn't authorized to do for her." Luna explained.

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