Day 74.

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*Zayn's POV*

"Just wait till I get ahold of him." I said and Louis took a sip of his coffee.

"Man I really wanna watch. Like fuck, He sucked on your fingers?" He said.

"I didn't tell you that." I said.

"He did today in class. He said he really wanted to fuck your brains out, like he said he wanted to 'put that thing on you' and I could only imagine." Louis said.

"Fuck the end of the semester isn't coming fast enough and I'm so ready to fuck him." Zayn said.

"I wish I was in-between that. Fuck, I'd fuck both of you guys without a doubt. Man." He said.

"Don't you have Liam." I said.

"You're right he can rock my boat too! You should see how big it is mannnnnnn." He said.

"Our RA how did that even happen?" I asked.

"I was rushing and I ran into him because you know I look down when I walk and I didn't even fall, it was like I walked right into a brick wall. And I looked up and I smirked. And he said 'excuse you' so I was taken aback of course so I told him he was in my way. And he said he wasn't and he had places to be. And I lifted the mood by saying 'inside me' cause you know that's me I flirt openly with everyone. And he smiled saying he really needed to get to class and no hard feelings. And of course I didn't let that be the last of it either. So I had seen him again like two days later. And I smiled and said 'hey cutie.' And he smiled. 'How's my favorite freshman?' He said and that's when I found out he was a junior and I told him to fuck my life up and we've been kicking it ever since." He said and I smiled.

"Oh well then look at you." I said.

"Niall is still the most precious prize at the county fair. I hope the sex is bomb. Man." He said.

"Thank you. We've been building the tension up damn near since the first day we met each other." I said.

"And you haven't masturbated or anything?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"You're going to cum in like 2 seconds." He said.

"You know what it don't even matter cause I'm gonna get it back up like it wasn't nothing anyway." I said and Louis laughed.

"Alright enough of blowing off steam we need to get back to work." I said and he nodded and stopped shuffling the Uno cards and began looking through his notes

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