Day 32.

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Comments are nice on this book. But hey you! Yes I'm talking to you silent reader! Comment some shit, pls :)

*Niall's POV*

"I'm surprised you wanted to actually come to my dorm." Harry said as we went up a flight of stairs in his dorm.

"Well module break. I'm all caught up on my work." I said and we walked down the hall.

"Yeah. Me too. Well one more assignment left but we have for more days. I'm not procrastinating but yeah. Pacing." He said and unlocked his door and I went in.

It was only one bed in here. "You don't share a room?" I asked him.

"No I paid extra for a single dorm." Harry said.

"How convenient. You come from a wealthy family?" I asked.

"Yes, oh you can sit on my bed or at my desk if you like. Whichever is comfortable." He said and I sat on his bed and looked around. He had a whole wall full of photos he's taken.

"This is beautiful." I said commemorating him on his wall.

"Thank you." He said.

"Harry you're making me nervous, sit down for Christ sake. You standing over me is oddly nerve racking." I said.

"Sorry I'm actually really nervous to be having you in my room." He said.

"I can tell." I said.

"So what have you been up to this far?" He asked me.

"I tried a edible. And I tripped out hard as fuck." I said and he laughed at me.

"First time?" He asked and I nodded.

"First times will always had you fried. It's such a nice experience though." Harry said.

"Yeah everything becomes funny." I said.

"Also can you sing? Because I think it really throws you off psychologically because I can't sing when I'm high but I can when I'm drunk." He said and I smiled.

"There is a big difference between the two. I think that it's so easy to pretend like you're sober when you're drunk. But when you're high I think it's extremely hard." I said and he laughed and then just looked at me.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"Ugh, I wish you could just see the perfect opportunity and just go for it. And you just messed up the perfect opportunity." I said hunching.

"I try to be confident around you but I get so nervous and so cautious because I don't want to tick you off. It's a lot of grey areas when it comes to you and that's not necessarily a bad thing, I like challenges. Not that I see you as one it just-"

"I get it Harry." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Can I take a picture of you?" He asked.

I smiled. "What?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said and walked to his closet and pulled out a camera that was on the top shelf.

He came near me and he put my arms behind me and made me lean on them.

"Now look up at the ceiling." He said, and stuck out your tongue in a goofy manner." He said and I did and he snapped a picture but I couldn't hold the pose so I began laughing and just fell back on his bed.

He snapped more pictures. He laid next to me and showed me them. I actually like that one." I said pointing to one of them.

I was waiting for him to turn and he didn't so I looked at him and he was already looking at me. We were really close.

"I'd really like one for my wall and I can print one out for you." He said and I smiled.

"I'd like that, and sure hang me up on your wall. I don't mind." I said.

He smiled at me and he leaned in to kiss me and I turned to my side and cupped his cheek.

He licked my lip and I let him in and we kissed and I moaned a couple times then he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I'm really starting to feel like a whore, but I won't because me and Zayn aren't going to keep messing around. We stopped that yesterday.

I pulled away from the kissed and looked into his beautiful green eyes. "You got it right." I said laughing.

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