Day 51.

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*Niall's POV*

"Harry stop. I know hat you didn't fall asleep that quick." I said and tried to shake him off of me.

He had came and sat behind me while I read and now I'm tryin to get up and I hear light snores.

I laughed. "Harry." I said.

I leaned back and he fell into the plant and he moved abruptly wrapping his arm around me and sitting back up.

"Why would you do that." He said in a deep sleeping voice.

"Awww sorry Harry I thought you were fucking with me." I said turning around and looking at him.

His eyes were low and he rubbed his eyes. I pushed my hand in his hair and he looked at me when he stopped rubbing his eyes.

"I kinda feel bad now." I said.

"You should, my head landed on a twig." He said.

I rolled my eyes. I leaned in and kissed him. He tried to advance the kiss.

"You better be glad I kissed you at all. You know I hate PDA and you're trying to stick your tongue down your throat." I said.

"Do you want to go to my room." He asked.

"No you horn-dog. You need to go to your own room and take a nap since you're falling asleep against me." I said unwrapping his hands from around me and jumping down off the hedge.

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