Day 67.

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*Niall's POV*

We went in the room and fell face forward our beds groaning.

"I want to push the beds together." He said.

"Then get up and do it." I said.

"I'm too tired." He said.

Someone was then knocking at our door. "Who is it?" I called out.

"Come and see." I heard Louis voice.

"We rule this out, He was your friend first. And your beds closer to the door," I said.

"I carried all the bags." Zayn said.

"Come get the door you lazy fucks." I heard Louis said and I pulled myself up and went to the door and Louis pulled me in a hug.

"I was hoping it was you hot stuff." He said and we walked in the room and pushed me on my bed and sat on my waist.

"Would you look at that Zayn." Louis said putting my hands on his bum and looking Zayn's way and Zayn looked our way and he instantly jumped up and I laughed letting go of Louis.

Louis climbed off me and Zayn glared. "Next time you get the fucking door, don't make my baby have to get up." Louis said and tackled Zayn in a hug.

"Don't call him that." Zayn said and I blushed.

"What happened while you guys were gone?" Louis asked me and I got up and before Zayn could say anything I gave him a long kiss on the lips.

"Ooooowe." Louis said and I smiled pulling away from Zayn.

"Oh that happened." Louis said.

"It didn't. But we're close as fuck." Zayn said.

"Oh okay. What did you guys do though?" He asked.

"We went on a date-"

"I want to hear the nasty." Louis said.

"We didn't do anything nasty." I said laughing.

"We did shower together though." Zayn said.

"Oh yeah." I said.

"'Oh yeah'" Louis mocked.

"Well first impressions?" Louis asked.

"That's ass." Zayn said and fell back in his bed and I laughed.

"Bigger than average for sure." I said with a wink.

"Sex will not be disappointing then yeah? And when you do it goodness please record. Because if it was up to me I would be in the middle of that train. Toot toot." He said and we laughed hard.

"I should go before you guys make me horny. Where are my things? And thank you." Louis said and Zayn pulled the bag from the side of  his bed and handed it to Louis.

"Thank you. Gotta go." He said and left.

"Ah you got the burst of energy to come over here and kiss me though." He said and I sat with him on his bed and leaned down and kissed him again.

Zayn grabbed my waist. I licked his lips and pulled away. Zayn bit his lip looking at me.

"Push the beds together." I said getting up and he groaned and I smiled.

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