Day 71.

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*Niall's POV*

I listened to the professor as he talked about a 8 page paper that was due for our finals that was worth a good 50% of our grade in this class and had to have 15 sources with a bibliography page cited in MLA. I twirled my pencil around. It's due by the end of this week. I'm not worried, I've gotten half of it completed already. See this it what happens when you don't fuck around.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around and it was Harry. "Hey." I said.

"Do you have a extra pencil or something?" He asked.

I reached in my bag and handed him some pen with the name of a hotel on it that I found in the library. It half worked sometimes but I thought it was cute.

He touched my hand as he grabbed the pencil from me. He smiled and he began writing down all the things our professor was saying.

"Wait up after class." He said and I nodded slightly.

Err? I'm not going to question it though because my focus will slowly drift off the assignment into a different direction and that's not good for me.


After the class I stayed seated and turned around in my seat to see Harry fumbling to get down the notes on the board.

"Yes?" I asked him and checked my watch.

"Oh yeah," He said and pushed some of his hair behind his ear. "I know that we aren't as cool as we were but I meant what I said at the beginning of the school year. You find your people in college, and even if you're not what I originally wanted you to be at first I'd still like you to be in my 'circle' if that makes any sense. I haven't been talking to you because I've been getting off track and I know that you absolutely hate that and so I didn't want to burden you with the stress of having a friend that-"

"You still talk way too much. Slow down, I'm listening." I said reassuringly and he smiled turning a light pink.

"I still want to be friends, that's all. You're nice to hang around. Sorry for lack of communication I've been trying to get my shit together." He said standing and I stood too and I pulled him into a friendly hug.

"That's fine by me. And I completely understand." I said pulling away and he smiled.

"And here's your shitty pen." He said and I laughed as he handed me my pen.

"At least I have supplies," I said.

"Does that reallllyyyyy count as one though?" He asked and I smiled and he play punched me on the shoulder.

"No but I do have to go. I need to work on this paper because I haven't even started." He said.

"Well he posted it online Wednesday of last week." I said.

"Yeah everybody isn't on the ball like you though. I bet you're done already." He said.

"Halfway. So much faith in me. But, I'll let you get to it. And if you need any help you can ask." I said and he nodded smiling at me.

"Thank you Niall." He said and I nodded and walked away.

I walked to my room and was greeted by Zayn studying. I thought back to yesterday. That was nice. Zayn is such a whole person.

"I'm really going to pass my math." He said closing his book.

"Well that makes one of us." I said.

"I'll study with you. You got this." I said as he smiled at me.

I sat on the desk and he looked at me. "I have to finish my paper and then I can be worried about math. Math is not important because I don't get it but it's so important because I need to get it in order for me to pass." I said.

"Don't stress, you're smart Niall. Come'er," He said and I walked over to him and he pulled me to sit on his lap.

"You got this." He said and I momentarily pressed my lips to his before pulling away.

"Why can't you let me believe I'm a failure:" I said and he laughed.

"Because you're not, and who am I to let you believe that." He said wrapping his arm around me.

I sighed and laid my head against his shoulder because I was sitting on him sideways.

"You gotta work on something," He said in between kissing the back of my hand.

"I guess this paper. Just to get it out the way but I'm just going to do like 2 more pages and make notes on the last two and type up at least half of the bibliography page." I said.

"Then I'll let you preoccupy the desk. And I'll take a quick nap. And if you want later I can go grab us something to eat after you're finished." He said.

"Sounds about right." I said and he unwrapped his arm and I stood up and he moved off the chair and I sat back down.

He kissed my temple. "I'll leave you to it." He said and took off his pants folding them putting them on my bed and climbing into his.

I pulled out my laptop and notebook and sighed before pulling up my docs and starting again.

90 DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora