Day 15

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*Zayn's POV*

"I'm not going to class today." I said hitting my alarm clock.

"You are." Niall said rolling over in his bed after his alarm went off too.

"I'm too tired." I said.

"You don't know the half of it." He said.

"You get in the shower first." I said.

"No you get in the shower first." He said.

"I did yesterday." I said.

"Fuck." He said and rolled out the bed.

Whoever takes a shower first has to wait till the other gets out. So the person waiting can be sleeping in the meantime.

He was out quicker than I anticipated though. Or time just seems like I never get enough sleep.

"Get up." He said coming out the shower with only a towel around his waist for the first time ever.

And I was up.

"You're looking good enough to eat this morning." I said.

"I mean every morning but who's counting." He said and I laughed and he went in his drawer.

"Satisfying." I said and looked at him again before going into the bathroom.

"Cold shower it is." He said laughing.

"It could be a hot shower if you join me." I said.

"Hmp. Cold shower it is." He said again and I laughed going in the bathroom.

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