Marinette's Brother

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A/N— in my story her brother Daniel doesn't actually look like this but I liked the pictures so you get an idea of his character? I don't know honestly. Enjoy.

(Marinette POV)

"Marinette!" My brother called.


"Can you come here for a second!" He sounded like he was struggling so I put down my homework and went to his room.

"Yes Dani?" I asked. He scowled, he hated anyone but mom calling him that. I rolled my eyes. "Daniel."

He smiled and then pointed up to the top shelf of his closet. "Do some flips. Get my box."

"Excuse me that's not how the earrings work." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure it is!" He put his hand on my shoulder. "Besides you don't need the earrings to do tricks."

I sighed. "This is why I wasn't going to tell you."

"Ah but alas you did."

"Mainly because you were up in my room when I came back from an attack." I folded my arms showing my distress over the old situation.

"Well I guess you're right." He shrugged. "It would be a lot easier to keep it a secret if you didn't have any siblings."

Frowning, I looked up at the box he had been talking about. It was marked as storage.

Turning back to Daniel I gave him a confused face.

"Why do you even need the box?" I asked bored.

My brother looked more like my dad. His tanner skin and brown hair made us look like step siblings but his eyes matched mine, and as I stared into them I let out a big sigh.

"Fine." I exasperated, turning on my heel I started to balance myself.

"Yes!" He cheered.

I rolled my eyes, a smile playing at my lips. Reaching above my head I grabbed the relatively large but light box and dropped smoothly to the floor, my ladybug showing through.

"See look at you!" He gushed like a proud parent and I snorted, elbowing his gut as I passed by. "That wasn't very nice!" He whined.

"Learned from the best." I smirked. I could only imagine he was regretting ever showing me certain techniques and moves.

"Are we still on for movie night?" He pressed his pointer finger to his chin, acting as if he had to think about it.

Movie night had been our thing we did every Thursday night since as long as I can remember. Well it used to be on Friday nights but Daniel was 18 and preferred to hang out with his friends on Friday nights now.

"Yup!" He replied as I sauntered out of the room. "Hey is it okay if Julie joins us?" I stopped right in his doorway.

"What?" I didn't mean for it to come out snappish, I was just thrown off by his question.

"You can invite Adrien." He wiggled his eyebrows. I felt my face start to flush and refused to look at my brother.

"Movie night is our thing."

"Please! I forgot I told her that she could come over." He actually sounded distressed, that's when I came back to my senses.

"Oh, yeah! Of course. Psh I love her! It will be great." He sighed at my hint of sarcasm. Honestly I didn't even want her near me.

"Invite Adrien." He crossed his arms.

"Why not Alya?" I folded my arms back and raised an eyebrow.

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