First Flight Home

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Mostly my own ideas, but I did follow this song for some parts.

Adrien POV

I woke up unsettled.

The whole dream had felt too real... but it wasn't, because she wasn't here. Even now I felt myself patting the side of the bed she should be. All those nights; all those mornings.

I sat up and ran a hand through my hair, waiting until my breathing evened out. I needed to see her now. It had already been six months, and I was dying. Just the thought of her hair in my hands, her skin against mine...

That wasn't all I thought about though. As clear as a bell I still heard her voice. Every time I chided myself it was with that voice. I smiled wistfully, remembering a different day, when that bell had muttered one word: yes.

The memory of our engagement hung down on me vividly, but everything had changed since then. I was no longer in Paris... and we were no longer in love.

Ah, screw that. I am still, if not more, in love with her, but everything has been strained since I took the job.

We don't talk every day, and the days we do, she is noticeably curt. I spend every day wondering if there is someone else, but I never do more than that: wonder.

Was she with him now? In his arms? Against his lips? I pondered the thought too long, and found myself near sick with jealousy and rage.

She wouldn't be unfaithful to me. Not after the years we'd been together. Then I thought about that day when I had left, what she had said, how we had fought.

I closed my eyes and willed the tears to stay at bay. She would never know just how much I loved her, no, how much I adored her.

I needed her like I needed air. Although I could survive on my own, I knew that life wouldn't be worth living.

I blew out a sigh and laid back down. Worrying about this at 2 AM wasn't going to fix anything—unless...

I quickly grabbed my phone. My eyes were barely working, along with my hands, but somehow, I managed to look up available flights.

I deserve time off, and if my dad has a problem with it, he can fire me. I nodded once resolutely, then proceeded to shuffle out of bed and start packing my things.

I was packed up and out the door within thirty minutes. A shower had been last, and even now, as I reached for my bags, I could feel the water from my hair trickling down my back. There was no time to waste though, the flight would leave within the hour.

The airport was thankfully rather empty. Apparently flights at 3:15 weren't popular. I allowed myself one small smile, as I though about her, then quickly focused and headed for my terminal.

The plane itself wasn't crowded, but the people that were on it... shady.

I kept to myself, and, too afraid to sleep, pulled out my book and started to read. I frowned, however, as I realized all of the pages were blurring together. My eyes were still too heavy with sleep. I shut the book with a snap, ignoring all the instense stares that I could feel leveled on my back.

Grabbing out my phone, I placed my headphones into my ears and tried to relax, then froze instantly. What if she didn't want me home?

No, I'm her fiancé, and if she really doesn't love me, then this'll be the perfect opportunity for her to say just as much.

Still, my mind was perturbed, so I grabbed out my phone again. Scrolling through the constant flow of work messages, I found her name and clicked it.

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