At The Trapdoor

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Chat noir POV

I was racing across the tops of buildings as chat noir when I landed softly onto the roof of Marinette's room. I was about to knock on the trapdoor when something ran across my peripheral vision.

I looked up to see ladybug, I started to get nervous that she had seen me because she kept coming this way. Then I felt myself nearly pass out when she landed on the floor a couple feet away from me and de-transformed into Marinette.

It's not like I was trying to hide so she nearly screamed when she saw me.

"Chat!" She whisper-yelled, "how long have you been there?" She came closer to me, and by the way she was frantically looking around and the sweat piling up on her forehead, I would guess that she already knew that answer.

"Long enough." Was all I said. My eyes were still wide as my mind processed this new yet very important information. Marinette is ladybug, ladybug is Marinette.

"Chat? Are you okay? I mean I know finding out that the hero of Paris is only a normal and clumsy girl like me is quite anticlimactic but you don't need to look so disappointed." She suddenly choked on the last word and I looked up to see a tear roll down her cheek.

"No princess, no. I wasn't disappointed, I'm not disappointed." I smiled, "I'm so happy it's you." I rubbed her tears away with my fingers hoping to see a smile brighten her face.

She smiled only slightly but you could see some tension leave her shoulders. I pulled her in and pushed her head against my chest.

The truth was that Marinette had become someone special to me. As Adrien I didn't get the chance to talk to her a lot because she always acted so shy but as chat she was always so sassy.

I smiled at the memories we had made since I had started coming to her trapdoor at nights starting about a month ago.

I had never come in an order of any sort so it would make sense that she had no idea that I'd be coming tonight. Still what I just found out was pretty surprising. I don't think I've ever been so lucky in my entire life. Both of the girls I liked were the same.

Marinette looked up at me and smiled shyly. "Are you sure your not disappointed?" She asked looking down at the bell on my neck. I chuckled lightly.

"Why would I be disappointed my lady? I said I loved you regardless of who you were under the mask, and the fact that you also happened to be the girl I was starting to really like, man, I think this is the luckiest day of my life." I said joyously. She laughed softly making my cheeks redden with how adorable she looked.

"And besides," I murmured into her ear, "your gorgeous." I looked up at her face and it was on fire. I threw my head back and laughed, and only stopped when I felt a light slap on my shoulder. "Ow!" I exclaimed playfully, she only rolled her eyes, but her smile came back full force.

"Stop teasing chat noir." She said playfully back and suddenly a smirk crossed my face.

"I wasn't teasing." I whispered again against her ear. This time when I pulled back her face wasn't as red but I probably would have still laughed if it weren't for the look in her eyes. Or rather where her eyes were looking.

They stared straight at my lips, and without thinking I licked my lips and her eyes darted back up to mine. I didn't give her time to do anything before my lips were on hers.

She kissed back without hesitation and I was happy at the little act. Then having my brain under full control, or at least as much as I could with the situation at hand, I undid my transformation and was simply Adrien. Adrien, kissing Marinette.

When we pulled away from the kiss her eyes shot wide open and she pushed away from me, yet I didn't break eye contact with her.

"Wh-where's chat?" She asked looking me straight in the eyes without wavering. I only smirked more and brought my face closer to hers.

"Right here." I answered and kissed her again. She took a second before she kissed back this time, but she did nonetheless. When I pulled away I ran my fingers through her hair then stood up. "I'd love to stay, but we do have school tomorrow." I said smiling down at her.

Her face still looked flushed and slightly surprised as if time hadn't totally caught up with her yet.

"O-okay" she murmured her voice just barely above a whisper. I laughed and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

"Good night." I said smiling with my lips still against her skin. She sighed and looked up, making eye contact with me.

"Good night." She said her face blank but red and I chuckled softly to myself. I turned back into chat noir while Plagg just complained about being hungry and needing cheese. Soon enough I was bounding back to my house, but even as I lay in bed my smile never left.

Marinette POV

The next day at school Adrien kept smirking and smiling at me. I would always blush, but right now it's lunch and we are sitting outside with Alya and Nino. He turned and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Well purrrincess, what do you say we repeat what happened last night?" I looked at him straight in the eyes. I so would be blushing right now if his second word hadn't showed too much of his chat side. I smirked and leaned in.

"Okay kitty, lets." I said leaning in and biting my lip. His face suddenly backed away, and he kept grumbling under his breath.

"I didn't think you'd actually agree." He said lowly and I only laughed.

When I looked up again Alya was staring at me confused.

"What just happened?" She asked looking from Adrien's red face to my, now red face.

We both chuckled awkwardly exchanging looks with one another.

"What do you mean exactly?" Adrien asked lifting an eyebrow, even though you could tell he was nervous. But about what? Did he not want people to know about us? Hurt took up my mind and I think he saw it too because he looked at me confused.

He lowered his eyebrows and mouthed 'what?'. I only shook my head and looked away. Suddenly I couldn't care less about what he thought, I turned straight to Alya.

"Adrien and I are dating." I said in all seriousness not bothering to look over at Adrien himself.

"What!" She practically yelled, "when did this happen?" She asked looking between Adrien and I.

I finally gained up the courage to look over at Adrien and he was already staring at me and smiled when he caught my eye. Then he grabbed my hand and, without looking away from me, started to speak.

"Last night." He said sounding kind of smug as if something huge had happened last night, which I guess is kind of true.

"What happened last night?" Nino asked leaning in. Adrien started to whisper in my ear.

"What do you want to say my lady?" He asked while slipping his arm around my waist.

"Nothing." I whisper back, "it's the least we can do since they have been keeping their relationship a secret too." He nodded in agreement.

"Well then this will have to do," he sighed jokingly then leaned in and kissed me.

I heard Alya squeal and pulled away laughing.

"Yes, that will have to do for a lot of things." I said my eyes still closed. I heard him chuckle and felt his lips on my forehead and smiled. Quietly I whispered in his ear, "I love you Adrien."

"I love you too, Marinette." He said leaning in for another kiss but I pushed his nose away playfully. He pouted.

"Tonight my kitty." I whispered in his ear as the bell rung.

That night I smiled when I heard a knock on my trapdoor.

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