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Adrien POV

I stared up at the big building that looked over my limo.

I knew that it belonged to Marinette now, as she had become a really famous designer all around the world. But I hadn't seen her in years.

After high school it seemed as if she avoided me like the plague. It really bothered me at first because I missed her.

Then Nino and I started talking less as he hung out with Alya more and more, now they're engaged.

I'm already 23 and still single. My father has been pressing his business on me lately and the only break I really ever get is when I'm Chat Noir.

Luckily my partner hasn't abandoned me yet, and quite frankly I feel as if her and I are finally becoming closer. Closer and yet still friends.

Whatever the reason—for anything—I was still on my way to Marinette. She and my father had talked about doing a joint magazine one time to see how the press would react and now they were finally acting on it.

So my father had sent me to go talk to her. I was more nervous than I thought I would be.

It's not like I hadn't seen her, just not in person. On TV it seemed like she had grown up so fast.

After high school she had gone directly to college and only recently had she graduated. But because of certain ties she had with certain people, she soon found herself the CEO of one of Frances biggest designer companies, rivaling even my father.

I sighed at how amazing she was. And I found myself hoping—despite the nagging reminder of my partner—that she was single.

She was gorgeous now with a mature body and curves. And she had cut her hair to her shoulders. She always wore business attire and I found that she was actually extremely attractive in pencil skirts.

I couldn't stop fidgeting now as I bounced my knee, her building just up another block.

Yet as the limo driver stopped I suddenly felt as heavy as a ton of bricks. I didn't want to get out of the limo and face her, because the truth was that I still felt guilty that she got where she was without my help. I felt terrible that I didn't point out her talent to my father, because then, I could still see her every day.

I forced myself out of the car and into the building.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked sweetly. I smiled still uneasy.

"Name is Adrien Agreste. I have a meeting with Miss Dupain-Cheng." I said out of habit, happy that I hadn't stuttered.

"Oh! She is actually still out right now, but you can wait for her on the 30th floor, in her office." She stated. Giving me a pass that allowed me to step past the lounge. "But first, would you mind if I took a picture with you?"

Her cheeks had turned slightly pink as she asked. I smiled all the same. It's not like I didn't like fans, I just hated pictures. Which is quite ironic because of my occupation.

I was just about to comply when I heard the voice of an angel.

"Oh Adrien you're here! I'll take you right up to my office then." I turned to see Marinette. She was much better looking in real life than I thought she would be.

I couldn't stop staring. I turned to say my apologies to the receptionist but she was just glaring at Marinette.

I couldn't care less about her however when Marinette came and stood right beside me.

"Oh thank you June but I'll take it from here." She smiled at her regardless of June's open dislike for her.

She then grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the elevator. When the doors shut behind us we were alone, and I found myself suddenly claustrophobic.

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