Cheerleading Pt.1

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Marinette POV

I was listening to Alya. I was! I was simply also staring off into space. Multitasking if you will. It was then a shiny poster on the wall across the hall from me caught my attention.

"Girl? Are you even listening?" Alya tilted her head in accusation. I smiled sheepishly in return and in a haste to cover up my rude behavior pointed at the poster. 

She squinted slightly to read it then looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Folding her arms she turned to me brazenly, "you want to be a cheerleader?"

I frowned at the derogative tone but strengthened my resolve all the more.

"What's so wrong with that?" I asked, my voice quiet, experimenting to gauge her reaction.

"Nothing!" Her face lit up and she clapped her hands together. "I honestly think you'd be the best one girl! I've seen you in PE." She winked at me and I looked down embarrassed. Yet all that was running through my head was the question of whether or not Adrien had seen me.

I sighed and crossed the hall to get a better look at the paper. Tryouts were tomorrow then.

"You really think I should do it?" I asked while quickly taking a picture of the poster, checking to make sure no one was watching me.

"For sure! Someone needs to kick Chloe off her high horse anyway."

I huffed in agreement and internally smiled as I realized that no one could do it better than ladybug.

So then it was settled. And if Adrien happened to like cheerleaders...that would simply be a benefit.

Adrien POV

I watched from across the hall as Marinette took a quick picture of a poster. I frowned at her secretive airs and tried to let it go but to no avail.

When her and Alya finally left I inconspicuously found my way over to where she had recently been standing.

I couldn't help the surprise that I felt at the realization of what the poster was.

Huh, I stared at it, read it, then read it again. I was—in fact—reading it for the third time when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Woah dude, no judgment here." Nino's voice rang out by my ear and I jumped.

Feigning annoyance I pushed his hand away and finally turned from the poster.
"I'm not trying out." I clarified plainly.

"Oh okay. Then why have you been staring at it?" He squinted skeptically and I rolled my eyes.

"I saw Marinette take a picture of it and wanted to know what it was. I was studying it because I had to be sure I read it correctly the first time... and the times after that." I moved my hands to further convey my innocence but it didn't seem to matter.

Nino's face had changed though. He smirked and elbowed my side. "Catching feelings for the old Marientte now are we?" He looked off in the distance as I tried to deny. "Don't worry I've been there."

He rubbed his nose during the last statement as if the fact he'd shared would make him cool. I simply stopped talking and stared hopelessly at him.

He noticed my expression and scrunched his face in perplexity, "what?"

I laughed and patted his shoulder in consolation. He shoved me off but laughed all the same, finally catching on to my actions.

"Trust me," I let out a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair, "she's all yours."

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