Cheerleading Pt.2

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Marinette POV

As soon as I was out the door my back was pressed tightly against it for support. Adrien had just asked me out.

Wait! My eyes widened as I tried to wrap my head around the conversation I had just had with an angel. He did ask me out, didn't he? Yes, he definitely did.

I giggled and patted myself on the back for seeming more put together than he was during the whole exchange. Maybe I would get the chance to be Adrien's personal cheerleader.

Unable to hold back the skip in my step I let my face break out in a smile. There couldn't possibly be anything that could dampen my mood at this moment.

But I should've known that karma made a hobby of proving people wrong. That she found joy in our silly ideas of comfort. Eventually everyone got what they deserved. And if at one point they are naive enough to believe that nothing can go wrong she makes it her duty to straighten them out with a little slap of reality.

I dangled my legs over the edge. I would never be able to do this as Marinette. Chat silently came and sat next to me. I didn't even look at him until he spoke.

"I took your advice." He said suddenly.

"Which advice would that be?" It was a tentative answer. It was full of caution. It was full of surprise.

"I—" he closed his mouth and looked at me with an uncertain air, "I asked out that girl."

"Oh?" It took me a total of three seconds to realize what he had said. "Oh!"

I stared at the ground. How was I supposed to respond to that?

"I don't expect you to rejoice." He scratched the nape of his neck nervously.

"No! It's not that! I'm happy for you! After all this is what I suggested." I forced a laugh and sighed when he did too.

"So we're good then?" He put his fist out and all I could do was stare at it. Were we? Was I really okay with this even though I had gotten Adrien? I'd have to be.

"Of course." I returned the first bump. Excitedly he rubbed his hands together.

"Good, because I've got just about a million questions!"

Chat POV

I turned to ladybug as she tried to hide her grimace.

"I mean, that's probably a little awkward... so never mind." I looked away fully aware that my face was on fire.

"No, you're fine really." She laughed and I smiled shyly. "What's your question?"

"Well," I sat down and sighed, "I asked her on a date but I have no idea how to act or what to do." I looked to catch her expression.

She looked torn, almost as if she was holding back something. "Okay—"

"What is it?" I asked abruptly.

"What?" She peeked up then looked away embarrassed. "It's nothing."

"No it's not. What's with that face?"

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