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Marrinette POV

I tapped my foot angrily against my floor, mad that I couldn't figure out this simple math problem.

I would text Alya but I had procrastinated doing my homework all weekend and it was now 12:00 on Sunday night. I sighed and laid my head down on my desk.

I guess it will just have to wait until tomorrow. I looked up at one of the pictures of Adrien, I had just recently gotten it, as it was a picture from his newest cologne ad.

I sighed again, the thought of him making my head spin. At least there was one thing to look forward to tomorrow.

Or so I thought.

The next day I actually woke up on time and made it to school early. Alya was able to help me on the math but only after she had nearly laughed to death at my predicament. I don't know why she thought I was so smart.

I let out a dramatic sigh when Adrien at last stepped out of his limo. But my happiness was short lived as the bell for first period rang. I'll see him in class, I kept telling myself, but I couldn't shake the negative feeling starting to creep into my body.

Class wasn't any better though because Adrien still didn't talk to me even though he's lived here and we've been friends for about two years! I groaned inwardly at the idea of never talking to him.

"It doesn't matter anyway, we all know ladybug could survive without chat noir" Chloe's voice rang out and suddenly I forgot about Adrien. My thoughts swam with ways I could hurt Chloe but none of them stuck out as good enough, but I had to say something.

"Why do you even speak if you know what you say isn't true?" My bad attitude and anger becoming a not so good combination.

"Excuse you" Chloe huffed, "everybody knows it's a fact, I bet chat noir even knows it."

I searched the classroom to find the teacher gone, which really made me mad. "You know what Chloe I think chat noir could survive without ladybug, she's not that cool anyway." I humphed.

She gasped and for the first time I noticed Adrien's eyes on me, I was surprised I didn't falter.

"Adrikins! Tell Marinette she's wrong!" She cried I rolled my eyes at her babyish behavior, but stopped when he spoke.

"Sorry Marinette but I agree with Chloe." He said it softly and while looking down. Honestly I didn't care what his opinion was but the fact he took her side! I nearly walked out of the room.

"Are you serious?" I asked him showing him the betrayal I felt through my voice.

"I-" he tried but I stopped him.

"No, please don't say anything that will ruin our friendship more." I said without any trace of humor. He looked hurt but I couldn't find it in me to care. The least he could've done was stood up for me. "Just so everyone knows, chat noir could do so much better on his own than ladybug and the next person who talks bad about him, I will personally deal with you." I said slumping into my seat, keeping my face neutral despite my inner turmoil.

Alya, I could tell was gaping at me and Nino was too but Adrien wouldn't turn around and for some reason that made me proud.

Adrien POV

I stared at my desk Marinette's words running through my head. Did I just ruin our friendship. Did she really think chat noir was better than ladybug?

I didn't have the courage to talk to her after that though so I never got my answer.

After school there was an akumatized person that we defeated and I remembered ladybug saying she wanted to meet up on the tower.

They're In Love (Miraculous Ladybug one-shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora