Chapter Forty: Quit Staring

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Niall’s POV

I didn’t want to pressure Ellie into anything, I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable. However she was all in for steamy however that’s as far as it got, nothing more, nothing less. I watched as she started shifting around, she would be awake any minute now. Her hair was tied back, the purple and blue slowly fading and her natural brown roots become even more visible. I always thought her hair was different and out there yet it was suttle and nice. It more blended in than stood out. Sure someone could mistake her for some crazy emo but I didn’t see anything like that in her, she was beautiful and I don’t want her to change anymore than she already has. Since her, let’s just say ‘emotions switch’ was turned on our relationship has been different, well on my end anyway. She’s still witty, sarcastic and a complete pain in the ass sometimes but that’s her personality, the one I first fell for. Then she changed for the better, she became sweet and even more adorable. I know Ellie would kill me if she heard me say that, ‘adorable’ is a word she hates being used to describe her, yet it clearly describes Ellie.

“Quit staring, it’s creepy!” Ellie mumbled and covered her face with the covers.

“That sounds oddly familiar.” I stated and pulled the cover from her adorable face.

“Maybe because I’ve had to say it before because all you do is stare.”

“Aren’t I allowed to stare at my adorable girlfriend?” I teased. Again Ellie covered her face and started whining about the word she loved so much!

The next few days went by quickly, we spent most of the time either being lazy, walking around or visiting my family. Stacey had called and we went and visited the day before we left for my secret location which was a private little island that I had booked for the 10 days that we would be there. Unfortunately Ellie packed for winter weather when really at this island even during winter times it’s still fairly warm. So, being the amazing boyfriend I am, I ordered a heap of clothes for her and they were delivered just today. Of course before actually getting them delivered I asked Ellie to pick some clothes out herself without her actually knowing how much was already coming. I guess another Christmas present? Let’s just say when she saw how many items were being brought it she froze, literally she just stood there and watched as countless boxes were carried into the bedroom. I laughed at this and brought her out of her trance by kissing her cheek. She asked me about all the items of clothing and I went with the idea of it being another Christmas present which I don’t think she thought was needed seeing as apparently I had already given her enough. Hey, I like to spoil the ones I love.

Luckily enough one of the outfits Ellie picked herself was something to swim in as today the weather was incredibly nice. The sun was shining brightly and the water was very tempting. I, being prepared already for the weather was already wearing something to swim in so whilst Ellie got changed I made us a drink of cordial. There were towels already waiting by the door and a tray of which I put the cordial on. I sat patiently on the couch with my phone on my lap, not sure of what to do. Luckily enough I was taken out of my boredom when Ellie appeared in a change of clothes. I did a quick once over and took in the white shirt that showed her stomach as it ended just above the belly button. She was wearing shorts of which I was convinced were denim and I just assumed that below this layer of clothes were her bathers. Together we walked down to the water’s edge where I gently placed the tray down on the small table situated beside the few beach chairs that were on the sand. Spreading my towel out on one of the chairs I handed the other to Ellie for her to do whatever she wished with it.

Ellie’s POV

I was unsure of what to do with the towel. I wanted to spread it out on the sand and sit down there but as Niall got himself comfortable on a beach chair I decided against it and did exactly what Niall had done. The timing of the weather couldn’t have been any better, last night I came off my period and I am sure ready to do some swimming. I was utterly surprised at the large amount of clothes that had come this morning, I had only picked out a few things here and there but the amount that did come was a lot to say the least. I reached into my pocket to get my phone out and quickly checked for any messages or missed calls and luckily there were none.

“Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Niall got up, kissed my cheek and quickly ran back to the house. I looked out at the view, in the distance were a few more islands, some bigger and some smaller than this one. The water was close to being clear and the sun was reflecting off of it.

“I’m back!” Niall announced as he ran past me. I laughed as he stopped and turned around to look at me, before I could even react Niall had taken a photo of me with the Polaroid camera and was walking back towards me.

“Next time please give me some warning as to when you’re going to take a picture.” I said giving Niall a little punch.

“But that’s no fun because then you put on a fake smile and I don’t want any of those. Besides you looked pretty good when I took the photo.” Niall winked at me and then sat down on the beach chair.

“You’re an idiot, I hope you know that.” I turned to face Niall and smiled at him.

“I know, but you love me so that’s all that matters.” Before I had time to reply Niall leaned over and kissed me, one hand at the back of my head and the other resting on my chair.

After our little… Make out session (?) Niall picked me up and took me to the water. I screamed and kicked begging him to let me down because of several reasons. 1. I had my clothes on, DENIM HELLO! 2. I don’t like being chucked in the water and 3… There is no three. Niall finally let me down although the water was already up to my knees.

“Niall…” I whined as I quickly got out of the water, I dropped my shorts and took of my top and left them in a pile on the sand. When I turned back around Niall was smirking and, staring. Way to go Niall, go ahead just be creepy. “Quit staring-“

“It’s creepy.” Niall and I both said at the same time. We erupted into fits of laughter before going deeper into the water.

“I love you Niall, thank you for bringing me here.” I said as Niall held me close to his body as we floated.

“I love you more, and any time. Actually, whilst I was inside I may have rung the owner of these islands and well, I asked if I could buy this place and he said yes. I’m going to give him another call tonight to discuss some things and then it’ll be all ours which means we can leave some clothes here.” My smile grew and I couldn’t get it off my face as I kissed Niall.

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