Chapter Two: Officially The Best, Wait!

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[This chapter has been edited]

Guess what!? I have to now spend a total of 40 hours will Niall Horan, officially the best, wait who the fuck am I kidding? This is terrible, how can someone like me end up having to be around someone like him. Sean said I would like his 'friend' but trust me I am far from it. Seriously he is one of the most famous people in the world and he is with my boring plain family, he probably thinks we are a pack of hobo's. Not to mention the fact that he probably thinks so much of himself that he won't even bother to mingle with us. I mean ughh! God now I understand why Mads wanted me to have a diary, I can finally express what I think without anyone knowing, usually I just yell it in their face. Oh by the way if you haven't noticed yet I have a short temper.

I sneak back out of the room of which I'm sleeping in tonight and lucky me I'm sharing with not one person but three. Mads, Sean and Niall. YAY! Celebrities don't do it for me, they are self centred and only want the money, they donate to charity just so people think they aren't selfish but we all know that they keep most of it for themselves.

"Mads can you distract me." I whisper into the blondes ear as I join the family outside. She turns and looks at me with a weird screwed up look.

"From what?" She asks not as quiet as me. I shake my head and plonk myself next to her. I slightly point over to where Sean and Niall are and Mads nods and gives me a thumbs up. God she can be dumb sometimes. Suddenly I feel an arm wrap around me and I wince as I already know who it is. turn to see my brother Sean smiling at me with his emerald eyes. You could say my twin and I look alike at least. We both have emerald eyes, dark brown wavy hair. We are both fairly short, I'm about 4'11 (150cm) We have flat stomachs, although mine isn't as flat as Sean's, he works out I clearly don't. The differences between us is the fact that I have put purple and blue streaks in my long wavy hair, I'm about 2 centimetres shorter than Sean. I also have smaller hands and feet but that's normal.

I hug Sean back, I miss him sometimes, we have always been really close. I nuzzle my head into his chest and for the first time ever he doesn't squeeze me back tightly or doesn't hurt me in any way. He must sense that I'm trying to be sentimental, that or he is going to surprise attack me.

I pull away and look into his eyes and see the sparkle that he usually has, his smile getting bigger as I smile back at him.

"Now I know you probably already know who this is but I want to properly introduce you to-" Sean starts before I slap him across the face again, and I thought he was going to be the one to attack me first. I shake my head and turn away from him. I hear a fit of laughter come from behind me and when I turn to see who is laughing it's Niall. His face turns a bright red when he notices me glaring at him.

"Oh come on El, I'm only trying to be nice, pretend Niall isn't a famous celebrity and just think of him as your brothers best friend." Sean says with his sweet smile. I fake smile making it very obvious that it's fake and stick my finger up at Sean.

"Oh and Sean, don't call me El." I say sternly then face a shocked Mads. I hear Sean mumbling something to Niall and then they leave, as I look up to watch them walk off Niall turns around and looks at me with a smile. Really? He is fucking smiling at me, will this boy ever get the message?

After washing up after a long and boring dinner I head outside where it is much quieter, in fact no one else is out here. Mads got caught up with my sisters daughter playing some weird game that I was no way going to join, whilst everyone else was talking amongst each other. I thought it wouldn't hurt if I just disappeared from all the laughter and painfully annoying talking. I sit down on the porch steps and hold my head up with my hands. I look up at the sky and count the stars that are visible. Compared to London so many more are appearing, that's the thing I miss the most about living away from here, I miss seeing the stars. And now look at me I'm getting all cheesy, no way in hell! I shake my head and look at the ground, I feel tired from all the talking and listening I've done today, I really just want to be alone.

I hear the door creak open and I pretend to not have heard it. Maybe if they think I couldn't care less whoever it is will go away.

"Ellie right?" An Irish accent says from beside me. I look up from the ground and turn to see the blonde Irish boy going to sit down beside me. I nod my head and look away from him. Oh how many other girls would kill to be in my position, haha funny cause they are free to kill me and take my position, I don't want to be here right now.

"Won't your fans know where you are?" I asked still looking down at the ground. I heard a quiet chuckle and then a sigh.

"Hopefully not, they shouldn't know seeing as they didn't know where I was before coming here." Niall said, his accent really noticeable. "I'm surprised you even said something to me." He added with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes, he just doesn't get it does he?

"Well you're lucky I talked instead of slapped you." I said, laughing at my own comeback. I heard the same laugh from this afternoon, I didn't feel in the mood to also slap him, who knows what my brother would say about that.

"Yeah, you're brother get's plenty of crap from you, he doesn't shut up about it. But seriously he always talks about you." Niall says after a few seconds of just pure laughter.

"That's it, he's dead." I say keeping a straight face while looking up at the now shocked blonde. "I'm joking!" I say as I realize he thinks I'm actually being serious. "I would never do something that bad to him, I mean I'd punch him and all but never kill him, well never on purpose." I said with a big grin. I heard Niall take in a sharp breathe, and I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably, jeesh I must be a good actor to fool two people in the one day.

"Haha I'm considering a career in acting." I said with another laugh as Niall looked much more relieved.

"You would be good at it." Niall said softly but with volume. Immediately I looked up at him, usually in reply to that I get a bad remark about it, this is the first time someone has agree's to my joke, and that someone just happened to be Niall Horan, a famous boy bander who apparently has a voice of an angel. I shook my head and looked back at the ground.

"Niall I know that I don't know you that well, but I don't think you get it, I don't want to be around you." I said, immediately regretting my last few words. I didn't look up at him to see his reaction, I don't think I would like it.

"Oh..." Is all Niall could say before he got up and left me sitting there regretting my words so much.

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