Chapter Seven: Getting Along

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Well, we are at Mads and I's place, I couldn't help myself but write at this moment. Niall and Mads are getting along really well, I know Mads is still really sad about the fact that she can't be with him, other than that things are going really good. We leave here in about 3 hours so we have plenty to talk about and do. For now, BYE!!!

"Want to watch a movie now?" I ask as I walk into the loungeroom where Mads and Niall are chatting. They turn and look at me.

"Umm. I don't know, we are happy to just keep talking." Niall says with a smile. I nod my head and sit next to Niall. Mads is sitting on the single chair and the only other space available was next to Niall on the couch. He smiles again when I sit there.

"So what's the topic at the moment?" I ask while getting comfy. Niall just keeps smiling at me and Mads looks away, kind of. "Umm, hello guys?" I say, my voice a little louder.

"You were the topic." Niall says, I look at him and his smile is bigger than ever. I must admit, his smile is adorable. I shake my head and laugh.

"He isn't lying, we were talking about you." Mads speaks up, pain is in her eyes and I hold my breath. 

"Ellie..." Niall says softly, I turn and face him, still holding my breath. "Mads has said it's okay, can I take you out to dinner one time?" Niall asks, my heart stops. Haha no way, a celebrity, no sorry one fifth of the world biggest band is asking me out to dinner. Niall still looks at me with that ridiculous smile. I stay silent, as the room gets quieter Niall tenses up, his smile disappears. He looks hurt, I look at Mads, she doesn't seem to bad, instead she nods at me with a weak but honest smile. 

"Okay, one dinner." I say, I hate rejecting people and it looked like Niall was about to cry. 

"I was worried you were going to say no there, thank goodness because then these would be useless." Niall pulls something out of his pocket and then hands it to me, I look at them more closely. Oh crap, he got me fucking plane tickets. "You and Mads are coming home with me." Niall says with a massive smile. I close my eyes, please just let this all be a dream. First Niall wants to go out with me and now he wants me to go home with him, no way. Mads will love this, but it'll only break her even more to say good bye. Niall and I won't be together, it won't work. Yes he is really REALLY good looking but that doesn't change the fact that he is a celebrity! I can't date a celebrity, especially now, I want to have a life. I want to get a job and life a normal life, I don't want to date a celebrity and just get given my money. Sure my dream job is to work for a celebrity, not just work for them but to help create their music. Which puts me in my difficult situation, if Niall finds out about that dream I'm stuffed, if he even finds out about me loving music then I'm dead, he'll insist to help me with my career but I don't need his help, sure it would be great but I don't want to be noticed I just want to work with celebrities in the music industry. 

"Ellie, are you going to say anything or just stare at the tickets?" Niall speaks up and I snap out of my thoughts. 

"Uhhh... Ummm." I say, still unsure of what I'm going to do. "For how long?" I ask, not giving a certain answer but just asking another question.

"My whole break if you would like." Niall says with an adorable but annoying smile. Nuh uh, no Ellie! You cannot like Niall Horan, no stop looking at his gorgeous blue eyes. Ughhh look away Ellie, his hair may be beautifully blonde but just stop it! I shake my head snapping out of my dreamy thoughts.

"We'll see how long I stay, I have to apply for a job soon anyway." I say, DAMN YOU ELLIE!!! Now you mentioned job, he will ask about job. Ellie will tell about job dream, job dream will be fucking granted! But that could be a good thing right? Nope, not a chance! 

"Fair enough, Mads can only stay for a week but you can stay for the month." Niall says with a sweet and innocent smile, Wait, BACK. THE. TRUCK.UP!!! A whole fucking month, oh yay! 

"How about I play it by ear, yeah?" I say, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Sounds great, and don't tell Sean about this, he might flip at me for asking his darling sister out." Niall says with a gorgeous wink. No, not gorgeous, it's just a normal wink made by an irresistable boy! ALRIGHT THAT'S IT!!! WW3 has started, and it's a battle between me and my mind! and Mind guess who is going to win? ME!!! That's right, I'm not giving into this Irish boy. 

After about an hour of talking about random things I change the subject once again. "Alright for dinner it's either Pasta or take away." I say getting ready to leave the couch and cook or order.

"I vote pasta, Ellie makes the best pasta out there." Mads says with a giggle. I laugh as I stand up.

"Niall?" I ask, looking at him.

"I think I'll go with pasta then, would love to taste your cooking." He says with that adorable smile again."

"Haha okay, get ready to taste the best pasta you will ever eat." And with that I leave into the kitchen and start cooking.

As soon as I announce that dinner is ready Niall runs and takes a seat in front of a plate of pasta, Mads does the same and so I join them. We all start eating and after a few minutes of silence Niall bursts some words out.

"Man I could get used to this!" I stop eating, Niall continues as if he had never said anything. Mads notices me tensing up and excuses herself from the table. As she leaves Niall stops eating and looks up at me. I look down at my food and place my fork down slowly. 

"Please don't." I whisper.

"What?" Niall asks, obviously I was loud enough for him to hear.

"Don't get used to it, don't get used to me. I can't be the girl for you. We're not meant for each other." I say softly, almost a whisper.

"Ellie..." Niall starts.

"No Niall, I can't be the one for you, I won't be there for you. I have a life to live and so do you. You go out all the time, you meet new people all the time, however I stay in the one city, I only see the people I know. We are really different." I say, slowly I get up and leave the table. Just before I leave the room and hand touches mine and pulls me back and around.

"Ellie, you can be the one though. I can make it work, we can make it work. Mads told me that you work with music, work with me. The lads won't mind, you can be with us all the time, we can make it work." Niall says with truthful eyes. I shake my head and pull my hand away from his. We haven't even gone out for dinner and things are already complicated. 

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