Chapter Twelve: Plane Tickets

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The more I think about it the more I'm regretting it. Yes of course I could change my mind again but I'm dead set to go home, not to mention I've already gotten my plane tickets. All I need to sort out is transport and getting to the airport, the taxi fare would be expensive so I can't do that. I doubt Niall will take me so it's left to Mads. Oh shit! She is going to be left alone with Niall for another 5 days, well this is difficult. 

"Mads I've bought myself plane tickets to leave tomorrow for London, I can get you some if you make the decision now." I say walking into the loungeroom where the two of them are watching tv. I ignore Niall and keep focused on Mads.

"What?" Niall says after a minute of silence. "You were being serious about you leaving tomorrow."

"Yep!" I pop the 'p' and give him a small smile. 

"Why though?" Niall asks. Whoops here comes some more acting.

"I have a job interview." Mads immediately looks up at me as if to say 'since when?' But she remains silent

"Oh okay, in that case I'll take you to the airport, if Mads wants to go with you she can." Niall says as he looks down. 

"Thanks Niall. So Mads will you be coming?" I ask turning to Mads. She nods her head slowly and looks over at Niall.

Niall has no emotion showing what so ever, he just sits there with his head low. I notice that there is no life in his eyes anymore and I can't help but feel guilty for doing that to him. Mads said it herself, Niall really likes me and I'm not going to deny the fact that I like him the slightest bit but hey, what's not to like?

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm, 7:30, my plane leaves at noon but I need to be there early. I pick out some clothes to wear and head straight for the shower. After my shower I do my make up and my hair. I packed my suitcase last night and I also wrote my resumee just so I could be a little convincing that I'm finally applying for a job. I also happened to find a nice little recording studio in London and I sent them in my resumee. This studio is focusing on helping singers who haven't been discovered to get their music out there, even if it's on youtube. Along with my resumee I also mentioned that I work well with a camera and I've had experience in recording studio's so hopefully all goes well. 

"Hey Ellie, do you happen to have any things with you? If you know what I mean..." Mads asked after closing my bedroom door.

"Oh, yeah sure." I quickly dug to the bottom of my suitcase and grabbed my un opened packet.

"Thanks, I wasn't expecting it." Mads said as she took the packet of lady things. 

"It's okay, I always have a spare packet with me. Anyways we have to leave  in 5, is Niall up?" I continue,

"Yeah he's just having something quick to eat, which reminds me that I had to ask you if you wanted anything?" Mads said walking towards the door.

"I'll eat at the airport, I don't want to be late." Mads nodded her head and left the room. I stayed in the room for 5 minutes then came out with my suitcase trailing behind me.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked me with his keys in his hands.

"Yep." I said and followed him and Mads outside and into his car. 

Finally ariving at the airport Mads and I say bye to Niall and then go through customs and everything we need to do. Saying bye to Niall was easier than I thought, he didn't even look sad, when I turned around one last time before walking inside the airport I saw him smile slightly as he went back into his car. I'm surprised no one spotted him but then again this airport is really empty at the moment.

Eventually Mads and I board the plane with window seats. The plane is practically empty except for an old couple and a few business men here and there. I hear a few more people coming on but I'm too busy reading my book, yeah Mads has gotten me fairly hooked on the Twilight series, the movies are crap but I'm in love with the books, I'm only up to the second one though. After the flight attendents run through the safety shit we start to move and eventually we are up in the air. It'll only be a short flight but they are still always boring.

As Mads and I get off the plane ahead of us I see a very familiar head, I only see the back of his head but I already know who it is. That little Irish shit has followed us, is he really that obsessed with me? After getting our luggage we head to the door and as I get closer all I can hear are screams. I stop in my tracks and get my phone out and go straight to Twitter.

@NiallOfficial: "Coming to London, flight lands at around 1pm. Come say hi!"

Oh my god, really Niall?! I decide to join the crazy fans and comment.

"Really, you know you're not the best at stalking!" Within minutes I get a direct message from him.

"How am I not good at stalking?"

"Becasue you tweeted about it, your following me I know. I saw you coming out of our plane."


I went out of Twitter and came out the doors and the girls screams hurt my ears. I walked past them all and stood at the back of the crazed crowd.

"NIALL!!!" Suddenly he appeared and he started waving to everyone. He then used his hands to tell everyone to quiet down.

"Okay, I'll take a photo with as many as possible. ELLIE!!! I know you're out there! You and Mads get a line going and find security and get them to help." Niall said and I froze. No way. Mads immediately looked around for security and eventually found them and they started helping us get the girls in a long line. I was still frozen, I didn't know what to do. Eventually Mads moved me and we started talking to some of the fans. I could hear all the fans getting excited as they got closer to him. I left Mads and walked up to wher Niall was, a few fans started shouting at me and complaining about me jumping the line, a few were asking me who I was but I ignored them all I just continued walking to Niall. I stood next to him waiting for him to finish getting a picture with a girl. The girl left and Niall told the next in line to wait a minute.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said in a stern tone. 

"What?" Niall said taking a step towards me.

"Why have you followed me, I made it very clear that I didn't want to be near you at this moment. I told you that I didn't want this." I say, keeping a serious face.

"If it makes you feel any better I'm not here just for you. The boys and I have decided to do some little gigs and some recording for an album." Niall said. I shook my head and walked away taking Mads with me.

"Ellie? What are you doing?"

"We're leaving, NOW!!!" I walked with her hot on my tail. I hailed a taxi and it took us straight to my house, seeing as I was only 10 minutes away it wouldn't cost much.

"I don't get you sometimes Ellie."

"Not my problem. I need to get organised for my interview." I said quickly and dismissed myself to my room. While I was in the taxi I got an e-mail from the recording studio and they said if I could make it I could have my interview tomorrow at 9:30, of course I jumped at the opportunity and said yes.

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