Chapter One: Dear Diary

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A/N: Hi guys, as you can tell this is my first official and completed fanfiction.
I plan on re writing parts of this story but I haven't gotten around to doing so quite yet so bare with the horrible writing skills in the first 10 or so chapters. (Seriously give it a chance)
This story is suitable for all ages, however there is swearing and offensive language so read at your own risk.
There will be no sequel or extra content book as I had stated closer to the end so please don't request a sequel.
Enjoy reading Finding Me and I know everyone asks this but please comment where you want to and remember to vote.

Dedicated to @mirifern because she made the amazing character playlist for Ellie so I'd love if you all listened to the songs at some point.

[This chapter has been edited]

Dear Diary, this is certainly not me at all. I don’t want to write in this ridiculous blue thing, okay yeah the blue is pretty cool but the whole idea of a diary makes me cringe. Eww. This thing is supposed to help me ‘channel’ my feeling, ha! You’d think my friend would know me better than everyone else but apparently not, why would she even give me a diary? I don’t even know how I’m supposed to be doing this but it doesn’t really matter because no one is going to be reading this because of how boring my life is.

I glance at my clock and groan, 30 minutes and I have to leave. Stupid diary holding me up from getting ready for the joyful family dinner; note my sarcasm. Family dinners are just a stupid excuse for my mum to cook, also for new random people to pop out of nowhere.

My brother promised me that this one was going to be better than all the other ones but I can't trust him. I don't think I have ever trusted him, he says every family dinner will be great but they always bore the hell out of me. I’m not a massive family person.

I get up and run to my wardrobe, I browse through all my clothes and decide on black skinny jeans and a woollen white top. I’m not one for fashion, hence why I usually get criticized about something or the other but I just ignore them. Afterall I’m allowed to be myself.

I got changed quickly then ran to the bathroom; I fixed my hair into a loose ponytail and then quickly tidied up my makeup. I was ready within 20 minutes, leaving me 10 minutes to get into my party mood. Loud music here I come. I begin dancing around my room but stop when Mads clears her throat by the door. Mads has been my best friend for a long time so we decided to get a flat together, in the middle of London. It took her a long time to convince me to live in London, seeing as I hate it with a passion. It's always so busy and crowded.

Mads always comes with me to family dinners, just because I hate long drives by myself. You see my parents live two hours out of London and she also strangely gets along so well with my mum, joy oh joy.

"Ellie what are you doing this time? We should head off now." Mads said while leaning in the door frame. I ran and turned off my music and grabbed my overnight bag, my brother convinced Mads and I to agreeing to sleepover that night, which I debated and debated against but as usual Sean always wins. 

"Okay okay, and fyi I was celebrating my new record, I got ready in 20 minutes." I yelled acting like it was a MASSIVE achievement for me. Mads just laughed and walked out of my room, I then mimicked her laugh and left the room as well. I walked into the kitchen and plonked myself on the bench. I watched her as she went through the fridge and got out two drink bottles. The drink bottles that she bought us today. MATCHING DRINK BOTTLES! Mine being purple and hers pink, she wouldn't allow me to have the red or at least the blue one, so she got me the purple.

I must've embarrassed her when she got them because I threw a massive tantrum, obviously I was just acting but clearly by the faces on the nearby people they thought I was serious. Some of their faces were priceless, most of them had a look on their face that said 'She is fucking mental!' But hey, guess what!? I am fucking mental! And I am proud of it!

Mads passes me the purple drink bottle and I cringe, wishing once again that I wouldn’t have to have such a horrid colour. Slipping into the drivers’ seat I wait patiently for Mads to appear and let out an exaggerated groan when I begin driving.

We arrived out the front of my mum’s house, god how it never changes. There are already about 5 cars parked on the front lawn and sidewalk so I slowly park my car on the opposite side of the road. 

I sling my bag over my shoulder as Mads and I approach the front door, I try to smile as I see my mum opening the door for us. 

"Ellie! You know there is no need to knock at your own house!" She laughed and squeezed me into a tight and uncomfortable hug. She planted a big a sloppy kiss on my cheek before moving onto my smiling friend. I mentally face palmed as she started firing compliments to my blonde friend. Being the blonde she is giggling emerged from her mouth, creating quite a scene for my relatives who were now coming to say their hellos. 

After the painful hello's from my family I finally had a moment to myself, I took a deep breath and then chucked my bag to the floor. 

"Is everyone here yet?" I asked while sitting next to Mads on the couch opposite from my mum. 

"Still waiting on your brother and his friend, late as usual." My mum replied with a small smile. I threw my head back with a groan. Seriously if I had a dollar for every time he walked in the door late I would be rich as hell. Damn I'd be richer than the queen! 

I kept my eyes focused on the door as I heard a car door slam, I noticed the knob turning then a familiar face popped up. I leaped out of my chair and ran to him, I hugged him then slapped him across the face. 

"OW!!!" He yelped while holding his face. Meet my pussy of a brother Sean, always sooking about something. He's the girl out of the two of us, I'm the guy of the pair. People think I'd be the same as him since we're twins but I can assure you that our personalities are very different. 

I took a step back to allow him to walk in. Behind him I see a face I know all too well; unfortunately. I groan as he grins at me and nods his head in acknowledgment. Famous people…

“Hi, I’m Niall.”


*Edited*Guys please give this story a chance, I understand at the start it's bad and horrible but it does get different and written a lot better. It's actually really disheartening to see this chapter on 2k reads and then the next one almost reaching 800. Please, just give Ellie and her story with Niall a chance.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm really excited for this story I've put heaps of time and effort into it.

Xox Kat.

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