Chapter Thirty Two: Heartbreaking

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It’s a relief to [KC1] say that in a weeks time we have got some recording done, it’s not a lot and there is still a heap to do but it’s something. I’m back at my apartment now, I’m terrified but I needed to go back and just live there. Mads still hasn’t contacted me and I’m still worrying about her. Alex and I are really close now, we are constantly texting eachother and hanging out every now and then. Niall and I are closer than ever. He’s doing a little gig tonight so I’m on my own but that’s alright because it’s girls night. Alex is coming over for a sleepover, god I sound like a two year old. We’re planning on watching a heap of girly movies and pigging out. I’m myself planning on finding out what’s going on between her and Liam. Liam has been disappearing often and it’s getting a little sus.

“Drag my mattress to the yard, crumple tumble house of cards!” I sung at the top of my lungs as I jammed to Funhouse whilst setting my lounge room up. I’ve pushed aside the couches and placed a mattress on the floor surrounded by pillows. I have a stack of movies by the TV already to be put on and a load of snacks on the kitchen bench. It feels like back in Primary School when I would have movie nights with my friends. Those were the good days, everything was so simple and black and white then. No boys, no appearance issues. You were just yourself and no one could change you, and then highschool came along and suddenly you became a whole new person. Society sucks!

There was a knock at the door and I didn’t even have time to say anything before it swung open to reveal Alex smiling from ear to ear. She had a bag in her hands and a box of favourites tucked under her arm.

“I’ll take that.” I said as I reached over to her and pinched the box of favourite from her. She laughed and dropped her bag by the door before following me into the kitchen. The music was still going and now all of a sudden Midnight Memories started playing, I turned around and looked at Alex a grin on my face.   

STRAIGHT OFF A PLANE TO A NEW HOTEL!” We screamed at the top of our lungs, we continued singing the song together as we just danced around the apartment. Once the song ended we collapsed onto the couch in fits of laughter.

“I love your apartment by the way.” Alex said as she looked around the lounge room.

“Thanks, it’s alright I guess. I want to get out of the city though.” I say as I rub my hands together in an attempt to get rid of the numbing feeling. The rest of the night went by as a blur as we started drinking, it wasn’t expected I wasn’t planning on bringing out alcohol but it just kind of happened.

The TV started blaring and I sat up [KC2] quickly which earned me a piercing pain in my head. I reached out for the remote and muted the TV before it could hurt my head anymore.

“Oww, my head…” Alex complained as she remained in her position with a hand pressed to her head.

“You’ll get over it!” I said as I slowly lay back down, luckily I wasn’t working today due to the boys performing last night.

“No I won’t, have you got any panadol lying around?” She asked as she slowly started to sit up.

“Not my fault you drank like double the amount I did. And yeah in the bathroom, bottom draw.”

“I had a lot on my mind okay.” Alex muttered as she got up and walked into the bathroom. I looked around the lounge room, it wasn’t really a mess but I would have to do some tidying up before the boys arrived.

“Alex, I forgot to mention but the boys will be here for lunch!” I yelled and immediately regretted it as my head started throbbing even more. “Damn hangover.” I murmered as I too went to the bathroom to take some panadol.

Several minutes later and we were back in the lounge room having some toast and coffee. By now it was 10:45 and I had some cleaning to do so I put my dishes in the sink and began cleaning the kitchen.

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