Chapter Five: Hurt Her

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A/N: Hey hey heyy!!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'm getting excited about this story now and I really hope you all will enjoy it. 

Why me? Why do I have to be in the middle of this, my friend likes an international celebrity who goes by the name Niall Horan. He has realised that she likes him yet he doesn't, he doesn't want to hurt her. Okay seriously Niall! Get real, any possible way of hurting her is a chance! You go out with her: She gets hate from fans. You turn her down: She is simply broken inside. You tell her about other feelings that you have for someone else: She will envy them and won't want to know them. Either way she will get hurt.

I've been in my room for a while now, no one has come in to check on me so I took the moment to write in my stupid yet helpful diary.  Once I finish with it I place it gently back under my pillow, I then return back into the lounge room. I see my sister hugging everyone and then she comes and hugs me.

"Bye sis! Say bye to Niall and Mads for me, I kind of have to leave right now." Amy says after hugging me tightly. Amy leaves the house and my mum resumes talking to my brother and dad. I hear Niall return into the room and he sits opposite me, I ignore his looks and involve myself in the conversation.

By lunch time I'm ready to leave, the day has gone slow and boring as hell. I see Mads looking at Niall a lot but he never notices, I pretend to never notice but I see everytime. I pull Mads into the kitchen once again.

"You ready to leave now?" I ask her while putting my glass in the sink.

"Yes, however I don't want to go." Mads replies with a huge smile. I can read her easily, she wants to spend time with Niall, the young boy who no matter what will hurt her. She doesn't see that fact that he only wants to be friends and nothing more, Mads is oblivious to that, she just wants him!

"Fine, one more hour and that's it okay." I say then leave a very happy Mads to talk with Niall again. I sneak off to my room and pull out my phone, me being curious I decide to check out Nialls band on youtube. I type the two words in very slowly, unsure if I got them right. Suggestions pop up and I randomly select one of them 'One Direction Story Of My Life.' I wait for the video to load then I press watch.

The first face I see is a tanned boy, his hair is brown and short, pulled back slightly. I then see another brown headed boy, his hair is slightly longer than the previous one. His hair is messy and fairly curly at the  front. Then next I see a very hot looking boy with his hair pulled back,it seems curly in some ways. Then another boy with blackish hair and a beard. Then I see him, the only one that I know. Niall Horan. It suddenly hits me, I knew him before I actually sawy him at the doorstep with my brother, however I don't know his band mates. Where have I seen him before?

I turn my attention again to the video when I hear a deep voice singing the opening lines. It's smooth and somewhat perfect. The next voice I hear is fairly higher but just as perfect, the same with the next voice. Together they sound even more perfect, the words drag me in, I keep my eyes glued onto the small screen. 

That's when I hear his voice for the first time, wow and people I know weren't lying, Nialls voice is perfect, an angel as many described. Then I hear another unfamiliar voice, the one with the curly hair at the front, his voice is smooth and soft. I find myself closing my eyes as I enjoy his voice. I open my eyes again when I notice the chorus coming back in, the boy with the quiffed hair is sitting with an older lady, I'm guessing his mum. Seeing him look at her, he seems sad and upset about something. I hum along to the tune, it's catchy and it feels like I already knew this song. 

Once again I hear that voice, he looks into the camera as if singing to me. The view changes whilst he still sings. A young boy sits on the floor and behind him are what looks like his grandparents, the boy turns out to be the one with the soft smooth voice. The picture is updated and two of his granparents change, then without any warning two disappear. Oh god! No why do I have to react this way? I feel my eyes stinging as a tear pushes it's way from behind my eyes. He looks beside him and feels the emptiness, my tears fall freely now and even faster as seconds later he looks up. Why Ellie why!? 

When the video ends I'm in tears, I could cry a river! I wipe my eyes and take a deep breath. 

"You're not the first to cry at this." I hear a familiar Irish boy say from behind me, I jumpy slightly as he first speaks, I turn and wipe my eyes once again. 

"Ha, well it's a touching video." I say sniffling slightly at the end of my sentence.

"Did you like it?" Niall asked as he sat beside me. I nodded my head and looked down at my phone, in the suggestions I saw other video's by them.

"Are they all as sad as this?" I ask moving my phone for Niall to see. Niall just laughs and leans over and taps one of the video's. I look at the title. 'Best Song Ever.' Wow what a title, seriously who names their song Best Song Ever. We sit silently and watch the video, I laugh at their sillyness and giggle everytime I see them dressed up, I barely even recognise Niall. From the beginning of the video I learn their names. The one with the smooth voice is Louis, the one with the blackish hair is Zayn. The curly haired boy who's hair is pushed up in a quiff is Harry, Liam is the one with his hair pushed back and short.  I finally feel like I know something about these boys other than them being the biggest boy band in the world. 

Once the video finishes I have a laugh with Niall, he admits that shooting the video was fun and hilarious. Niall then changed the video over to a song called Little Things. Already I'm in love with it, it's calm and makes me feel like they are singing to me, I guess that's the point of the video.

"So you've never heard one of our songs until now?" Niall asked as I turned my phone off. I shook my head and laughed at myself.

"Never, I didn't really know who you were, I didn't know anyones names. Except I knew yours before you came yesterday, I could only remember your name." I said with a slight smile. I'm still very confused at how I know Niall and Niall only. I knew he was famous but it feels like I knew him before.

"How long have you been friends with my brother?" I ask breaking the awkward silence.

"About 4 years now, I met him a year before I auditioned for X Factor." Niall said calmly.

"Wait, are you 20?" I asked, things were becoming much clearer now. Niall nodded and I jumped off my bed and ran to the wardrobe. I climbed the shelves and finally reached the top one. I pulled out a box and took the lid off, I searched through the box until I found what I was looking for...

A/N: Sorry that I had to explain the music video to you all, I know that you all probably know what goes on in the video but the storyline needed me to explain it.

Xox Kat.

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