Chapter Twenty Eight: Mood

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Ellies POV

Niall and I stare up at the sky, lying silently on the blanket that he spread out on the ground. I’m extremely tired but I don’t want this perfect night to end. Everything just seems to right and I’m just waiting for something to go wrong, for me to hear bad news or for something to just end. I don’t want that to happen but it has to be coming and I guess I’ll just have to be ready for that day.

“You tired?” Niall whispers in my ear, bringing me from my thoughts.

“No.” I say quietly, I turn and look at Niall and he smiles at me. I am tired but I don’t want tonight to end.

“Tell me when you are.” Niall says as he kisses my temple. I nod my head and snuggle into him, once again looking up at the clear sky. My eyes start getting really heavy so I close my eyes to give them a rest and slowly I slip into a deep sleep.

I wake to the smell of pancakes, no let me rephrase that, burnt pancakes. I open my eyes and take in my surroundings, I’m in the bedroom and in the bed but the space next to me is empty meaning one thing. The reason for the burnt pancakes is Niall. I stretch my legs and arms out and shift getting myself ready to depart the warm and comfy bed.

“Morning.” Niall says cheerfully as he enters the room, a tray in his arms. “I burnt them…” He bites down on his lip and looks around awkwardly.

“I bet they will still taste amazing.” I say as I sit up and shift my legs once more to get out of the bed once and for all.

“NO!” Niall shouts. “Stay in bed. It’s breakfast in bed for you!” He says with his cute smile that I fell in love with.

“Awww, Niall!” I coo as he sets the tray on the bed, he climbs onto the bed himself and joins me with a smile. “It looks good.” I say as I pick up a knife and fork.

“Why thank you.” Niall says proudly as he too grabs some cutlery.

Once finishing my pancake I lean over and kiss Niall on the cheek. “Love you.” I whisper after the short kiss I give him.

“I love you too.” I smile at Niall as he presses a short kiss to my forhead.

We snuggle on the bed for another 15 minutes before I decide to shower, I don’t even bother to ask how I got to the bed because it doesn’t even matter. After my shower Niall and I watch TV and just chat along with loads of kisses. Before we know it it’s 11:30 and we have to leave so Niall can be back in time for whatever he had to do.

In the car Niall holds my hand as he drives us back to their place and as soon as we get there Liam is leaving.

“OI! Liam. I need to talk to you again.” I shout before he gets in his car, he stops and turns to face me.

“Mmmmhmmm.” He says as I stand beside him.

“Don’t act stupid, you know what I’m going to ask. Did you talk to her?” I say, raising an eyebrow and waiting for his reply.

“No.” He answers simply and opens his car door.

“WHAT?! Why not?” I say holding the door open so he doesn’t shut it.

“Because I just haven’t I-“

“Liam… She likes you.” I say stopping him from continuing.

“And I like her, I just haven’t asked her yet.” He says, I nod my head and take a step back, I don’t want to push it.

“Alright, well see you Liam.” I give him a smile before he starts the engine and drives off.

“What was that all about?” Niall asks once I join him inside.

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