Chapter Twenty Seven: Hours On End

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A/N: I guess this is what you've all been waiting for!

Nialls POV

I take her hand in mine and look her in the eyes. I think for a moment of what I’m about to say and then open my mouth to speak.

“Ellie you are the most amazing girl I have ever met and I know we haven’t been together for long at all. Things have been rough so far but we’ve stuck by. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about someone before, you make me so happy and I’m always having a good time with you.” I pause for a second and Ellie’s smile only grows. “I care about you so much, when you went in hospital I cried for hours on end, praying and hoping that you would be okay, when I was told that you were fine, I was so happy! Ellie I really, really like you and I… I’ve fallen in love with you… Ellie I love you.” I stop talking and look up at her since my gaze dropped to our hands. I see tears running down her cheeks, her smile is big and honest and it’s quiet for a few seconds before she opens her mouth to speak as well.

“I love you too Niall.” I find myself letting out a breath that I didn’t realise I was holding in and lean forward, wrapping my arms around her. I hold the hug for a long time before pulling away and kissing her. She kisses back with so much passion that I myself start to cry.

“I love you.” I whisper in her ear, I kiss her cheek and pull back to find her still crying. “Hey… Why are you crying?” She shakes her head and looks down at her lap. I put an arm around her and hold her tight. She mould into me and starts sobbing even more. “Ellie, shhh it’s okay. What’s wrong?” I ask rubbing her back softly.

“I… I…” She breaks down, tears now streaming down her face, her makeup running with it.

“Talk to me…” I whisper, rocking back and forth with her in my arms.

“5 years… 5 years ago I… I went in hospital.” She pauses and looks up at me, I remain silent, waiting for her to continue on. “I… I made a huge mistake… I regret it so much….” She starts crying again and leans into me wetting my suit with her tears.

“It’s okay, shh. You don’t have to tell me.” I say still rocking back and forth with her.

“I was getting hated on, things got to me… I can’t even remember why it was happening… I took my dads painkillers, they were strong because he has bad back problems, I took a whole packet of them. I ended up in hospital. My mum kept the story from getting out, she didn’t want to things to get worse for me.”

“What?” I say, looking at Ellie concerned for her.

“Please Niall, let me finish.” I nod my head and Ellie looks down at the ground once more. “Claudia worked with me and afterwards my dad accepted this contract that made us move to Ireland. That’s when Sean met you. I’m not sure if Sean knew what happened, I’ve never told anyone. After getting all the hate I made myself block those feeling out, I became a cold hearted bitch and only felt anger and hatred. Claudia and I talked about what could’ve made me feel again and we took a guess at what it was…” Ellie stopped and shuffled around nervously.

“Me? Was it me?” I ask, Ellie doesn’t move, she doesn’t react at all, I move my hand under her chin and tilt her head up and look her in the eyes. “You started having feeling for me didn’t you? That’s what made everything come back, Ellie don’t be ashamed, I’m glad you have these feeling back.” I say holding her gaze.

“Niall it made me black out, I was hospitalised for a week! I’ve spent a quarter of my life having no emotion and when I started feeling again it was too much. What if that happens again?!” Ellie raises her voice, she moves out of my arms and holds her head in her hands. “Just saying those three words made me break down Niall. I am overly happy and I do love you but that feeling is something different for me and…”

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