Chapter Ten: Let's See How This Goes

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Wow... Okay. So I'm ready to go on my 'date' with Niall. Is it fair to say that I'm actually really nervous, I'm afraid that on this date I might actually start liking him. Mads is now refusing to go on a date with him, I think she is scared of what might happen when she has to leave, I understand her she doesn't want to get hurt. I'm not sure of how I want today to turn out, fans will most likely see us, rumours will spread and then we will have to clear them up using Niall's video idea. Hmmm, let's see how this goes.

"Ellie! Are you ready?" Niall calls from outside my room. I put my diary under my pillow and open the door to see a smiling Niall. He looks at me and his smile grows.

"Wow, you look nice." Niall says with a massive smile.

"Not too bad yourself Horan. Okay, so we ready to go?" I ask as I walk out the door and I can sense Niall following behind me. Don't worry I did check him out and I wasn't lying when I said he didn't look too bad. He was wearing a navy blue singlet and some white shorts, okay I have to admit it wasn't the clothes that made him look fine, it was his overall appearance. His muscles were just wow! Then his hair was perfect, it was styled slightly up like he usually has it nowadays. I never really noticed how good his body is, he is tattoo free which is great, I'm not a massive fan of tattoo's -although I'm going to get a small one on my wrist- and he has tanned skin but not too tanned. Let's just say he is pretty much perfect.

Niall grabs the picnic basket and I carry the blanket out to Nialls car. Yes he has his own car, security have nothing to do with us right now. I get into the passanger seat and Niall starts up his car. We drive for less than five minutes before Niall turns off into a small narrow road. Niall drives slowly for another 5 minutes and then stops the car. I look around, I can't even see anything we are surrounded by nice tree's that are packed around.

"Niall, where are we?" I ask taking a few steps away from the car and clutching the blanket.

"Almost at the park." Niall says with a laugh. He stands beside me and takes my hand and starts leading me down a path. I keep taking in my surroundings, the flowers here are so pretty and the tree's are gorgeous, I've always loved tree's. Before I know it we find ourselves in an opening, and to the left of us is a small little lake. (A/N: Not sure if you would call it a lake.) Niall leads me into the middle of the clearing and takes the picnic blanket from my hands and lays it down on the ground. I still look around with my mouth open, it's amazing out here, and it's quiet and VERY private.

"Ellie, come sit down." Niall says as he pats the spot beside him, I tear my eyes away from the view and sit next to him. Niall reaches forward and takes out the prepared sandwhiches from the basket and gives one to me.

"Thank you." I say quietly as I unwrap my sandwhich.

"It's okay they were easy to make." He replies with a laugh.

"I don't mean the sandwhich Niall, I mean all of this. It's truly amazing." I say gesturing to the environment. Niall forms an 'o' shape with his mouth as he realises that I'm thanking him for this 'date.'

"Can I ask you something?" He says quietly as he places his sandwhich down. I nod my head slowly. "Does this count as a date yet?" He asks with a cheeky grin. I giggle and shake my head.

"Not yet." I say and wink, before Niall can do anything I get up and run away from the picnic blanket. Laughing loudly as Niall starts to chase me, and I have to say he is fast. I stop and fal to the ground as Niall is just less than a metre away and all I can do is laugh. During the chase we shouted things at eachother such as:

"Niall you're so slow!"

"Ellie I'm catching up!"

"You'll never catch me Horan!"

"El I'll getcha!"

"Oh it's so on! How dare you call me EL!!!"

And many more like that, however the laughing only made me run even slower and eventually it pushed me to the ground. I slowly sit up but remain sitting down, somehow we made it to the edge of the lake. Niall joins me and we both look at the lake in silence. It's definitley not an akward silence, it's a pleasant one but I'm not one that likes things being quiet.

"Okay Horan, what miraculous idea do you have now?" I ask giving him a soft shove. Niall laughs and just stares at me, his blue eyes piercing into mine. Suddenly Niall jumps up and takes me with him, not in the best way but he is carrying me closer to the water and suddenly it kicks in. I start screaming and kicking him but he doesn't stop walking closer to the water.

"NIALL!!!" I scream even louder as he takes one step into the water.

"Stop kicking me or else I'll drop you!" He says with a chuckle. I remain still and Niall walks in a little deeper.

"Is this your favourite dress?" Niall asks me. I shake my head, it's not my favourite but it's nice,

"Was it expensive?" He asks, I shake my head, it was $20.

"Good!" And before I could do anything Niall ran in and took me under the water. I closed my eyes and held my breath, I could still feel his strong arms around me so I just let him. When we came back up Niall was laughing and seeing as it is such a contageous laugh I joined him. I was still in his arms and slowly I got closer to him. I stopped laughing and so did Niall.

I got lost in his eyes.

Slowly I leaned in and Niall did the same, and slowly our lips connected. Fireworks expoded and my stomach went crazy, excitement ran through me and every part of me went crazy. I pulled Niall closer, hoping to get as close as possible to him and we continued kissing. I pulled away and had to catch up on my breathe and all I could do was smile up at Niall.

Finding Me {Niall Horan} completedWhere stories live. Discover now