Chapter Six: Was In None

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A/N: Dedicated this to @velvet_sky because she was the first person to add my story to her public reading list. :)

What a coincidence, as it turned out for my last year of highschool with my brother I attended the same school as Niall Horan, that's how I somehow knew him. I even have the yearbook to prove it, my brother was in one of his classes and I was in none, wow! I moved to Mullingar because my dad had a 1 and a half year contract with work there so my brother and I followed our parents, we didn't really mind.

I placed my diary in my bag just before Niall came back in the room. 

"So I didn't even know you existed? Even when I visited your brother." Niall said sitting on the ground opposit me. 

"Yeah, probably. I was either in my room or out with friends so you wouldn't have seen me. You may have heard of me, I was known as the sarcastic girl." I said leaning back onto the wall.

"You seem like a social one, not a sarcastic person, besides you're not that bad." Niall said smiling. "Are we going to keep in contact after today?" Niall asked after a few seconds of silence. I looked up at him and he had a serious face.

"Sure why not, we can always talk on Twitter, besides Mads will love to chat as well." I said trying to avoid the awkwardness I felt stirring around. 

"Mads is great, but I don't see myself ever being with her, I'll continue being friends with her but I don't want to go any further. Either way I will hurt her." Niall said with a very small smile. I held my breath, this will kill Mads.

"She'll just want you more if you be friends with her, I think the best way to handle this is tell her straight up and give her the option, if you want I can talk to her and explain things." I offered hoping that I wouldn't have to, I was just being nice... To a fucking celebrity.

"No, I'll talk to her before I leave, speaking of leaving when are you guys heading off? Sean is staying another night and I don't really have a way of getting to the airport." Niall said smiling at me.

"We'll be leaving in about 10 minutes actually, you can come with us back to our place and then we can bring you to the airport later today. On one condition, we don't want to be mobbed." I said afraid that we would in fact get mobbed.

"Sounds great, and don't worry about getting mobbed, I have it organised for me to use a back entrance and then I'll be waiting in a private lounge, you're welcome to wait in there with me." Niall replied as he stood up.

"Okay then that's the plan. You come with us now, then later tonight we can take you to the airport, we will see you off and then Mads and I will return home. Oh and please when you land let us know that you have got there safely." Niall agree'd and we went out to say goodbye to everyone. I told Mads the plan and she squeled in excitement. She's going to take what Niall has to say badly, she probably thinks that she is getting somewhere.

We piled into the car, I agreed to letting Niall drive seeing as we are bringing him to the airport, I could tell Mads wasn't so happy that he would be occupied with driving rather than talking but she still happily got into the back seat. We started the 2 hour drive in silence until Mads chirped up.

"So Niall... When will we see you next?" Oh fuck here we go...

"I'm not sure Mads, I'm not sure if it's the best idea..." Niall said keeping an eye on the road.

"What do you mean." I held my breath as I waited for Niall to reply.

"I-I, Listen Mads it's going to have to end sooner or later, and either way I'm going to hurt you, maybe this will hurt more than any other way but this is how it has to be. I know that you want more than friends but I can't give you that, I'm not interested in you... Maybe in the future, the far future but I don't see you as anything but a friend." Niall kept talking and I stiffened, I know how Mads is with hearing news as such as this and by the silence I can tell she isn't coping very well. 

"Okay, I guess I understand, friends is good enough." Mads finally said, her voice was soft and clearly broken. I turned to look at her, her eyes were empty and hurt, she tried her best to smile at me but all I could see was a broken curve. 

"I'm sorry Mads, I know you're broken now but this is how it's going to be, I really hope we can be friends, you're a great girl but I see nothing happening between us." Niall spoke up again after turning off the main road and driving down another long empty road.

"It's okay, I'm okay." Mads said smiling with a hint of hope in her eyes, friends would have to do for now. Like Niall said he can't offer anymore to Mads at the moment, maybe there is hope for her in the future but there is not much more that can be done. 

We drove for another half hour before I spoke up for pretty much the first time the whole car trip.

"What time does your plane leave Niall?" I ask, I know by the time we get home it will be 2ish and I want there to be some rest time before Niall heads home.

"At about 7 at night, is that too late for you girls?" He asks slightly turning the wheel as the road curved. 

"No no, that's perfect, I can cook for you tonight and maybe we can watch a movie and relax, you must be tired." I say quite happy that I'll have company other than Mads for a few hours. 

"Sure, sounds great." Niall says and a small emerges onto his lips, I can't help but smile as well. I reach and turn the radio up so we can hear the songs. 

After a few minutes Niall starts laughing and I immediatelt jerk my head and look at him, confused.

"What's funny?" I ask as the song playing gets louder.

"This is me and the lads song, Midnight Memories. It was released this morning." Niall says and laughs again, don't get me wrong the song sounds great but it's not necessarily my type if you know what I mean.

Finding Me {Niall Horan} completedWhere stories live. Discover now