Chapter Nine: Fly Like This

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Plane rides are really boring, although Business class is interesting because you can order pretty much anything you want and you can lie back down with blankets. I like business class, I could get used to it, Niall is lucky to fly like this all the time. We had individual seats so I didn't talkto Mads or Niall at all, although I could hear them constantly talking. Straight away when I got my suitcase I got out my diary and had it in my hands ready to write when we got into Nialls ride. Niall doesn't even have to drive himself.

I sit next to Niall in the car, with Mads also beside me which puts me in the middle. I must say the ride was quiet which allowed me to write and not have anyone peering over my shoulder to read what I wrote. Mads as usual is staring down at her phone whilst Niall is looking out his window, he probably really misses home and so he taking in his surroundings. Without warning we pull up outside a small house and Niall immediately jumps out of the car and runs to the front door. The driver instructs us to stay in the car so we do. I see the door opening and a man embracing Niall within seconds. I see them talking and then Niall comes back to the car.

"Sorry about that, had to say hello to my father. Alright now we will go to my place." Niall says and closes the door and waves goodbye to his dad and then we are off again. We drive for a few good minutes and we leave the main area of Mullingar. We drive for another 5-10 minutes and then we drive down an decent driveway before stopping out the front of a single storey cottage. Niall gets out of the car and asks us to follow him out, we do as he says and then we follow him to the boot and we grab our suitcases. 

"This is my home." Niall says as he unlocks the front door and leads us inside. It's nicely decorated but not overdone but it has an empty feeling, obviously Niall doesn't come here than often but it seems really lonely here. As Niall leads us through the house a bit more he shows us our bedrooms, we each get our own. I dump my suitcase on the nicely made bed and join Niall and Mads in the kitchen. 

"It's a lovely house Niall." I say while sitting beside Mads on one of the bench stools. 

"Thank you Ellie, like I said you can stay here for a month if you wish." Niall replies while continuing to make something little to eat for all of us.

Finaly after finishing eating the toast Niall made I headed off to bed, slowly I go through my suitcase and find my pajamas and then I slip them on. I only just realise how tired I am so I just flop onto the bed without taking any makeup off or brushing my teeth. I'm stuffed.

I wake up as the sun comes in through the blinds, I look around the room and see my suitcase lying open and slightly messy on the floor. I look around a little more and notice that I'm still on top of the covers, slowly I stretch myself out and slip off the bed, slowly I walk to my suitcase and pick out some clothes, it's fairly sunny outside so I decide on a t-shirt and leggings. I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. I strip and get under the warm water that trickles down my bare skin. I close my eyes and let the heat calm me. 

"Morning Niall!" I say happily as I walk into the kitchen and find Niall sipping on a hot cup of coffee.

"Good morning Ellie, how did you sleep?" Niall asks in his sweet Irish accent.

"Like a baby, I was so tired, I didn't even get under the covers, what about your sleep?" I ask this time as I pour myself so coffee as well.

"It was great, did the shower work fine for you?"

"Yeah, lovely. Is Mads up yet?"

"Yeah she is just having a shower now, won't be much longer." Niall replies with a soft smile as he takes another sip of his coffee. I know I shouldn't be thinking this but Niall is really hot, not to mention irresistable, if I wasn't so set on having no relationship with him I would let myself fall for him. I told myself I wouldn't give in and I'm going to stick by it, at least try my best to. 

"Hey Ellie." Mads says as she joins me on the couch.

"Hi." I say whilst staring at the tv.

"You okay Ellie?" Mads asks while getting comfy.

"What?" I ask finally snapping away from the tv, I was lost in my thoughts that I only picked up a few things of what was going around me.

"I asked if you were okay, you looked a little lost." Mads explained.

"Oh, yeah. I was just thinking. I'll be right back." I get up and before Mads can answer I dash into the kitchen where Niall is washing a few dishes. 

"Oh hi Ellie." Niall says as he starts scrubbing another plate.

"Hi Niall, so I was thinking we could go today, get it over and done with and then you can go with Mads before she leaves." I say really quickly that I surprise myself.

"Wait, hold up. So you want to go on our date today?" Niall asks much slower than I had. I nod quickly and sit on the kitchen stool. "Oh, okay. Ermm, for lunch then? Maybe we could go to the park or something, have a picnic." Niall says while his face lights up.

"Niall... One word."

"Fans." We both say at the same time, me of course much louder whereas Niall slightly whispers it. 

"They will think more of it, maybe you could go disguised." I suggest but Niall shakes his head.

"There are not many fans around and the park I'm thinking of is fairly private, and if anything goes out we'll clear it up straight away and we'll say that you are a family friend of mine." Niall explains and I can't help but smile, he is really good at this stuff and he always has a plan. "And for those fans that won't believe us I'll post a picture of you and I, maybe even a video on Instagram where we can both explain that we are only good friends." I nod my head and smile at Niall (A/N: THAT RYHMES!!!) then I leave the kitchen.

"Be ready in an hour then! I'll get the food ready now!" Niall yells as I walk out. I laugh to myself as I head up to my room and sort through my clothes. Before picking out something I go on my iPhone and check the weather. Mmmm it's going to be lovely this afternoon, YES!!! 

I decide on a light blue dress that washes down to a very soft pink at the bottom, the fabric soft a flowy. The dress in the front stops mid thigh but continues at the back a little longer. I pick out some white shoes and then I work on my hair and makeup. I go for my natural look, only applying light mascara, foundation and lip balm. Then I straighten my hair so it's not wavy anymore and my blue and purple streaks somehow match my dress. I smile as I examine myself in the mirror and can't resist but take a photo of myself, I must say I'm very proud of how I've turned out. I giggle as I walk out of my room and into the loungeroom where Mads is sitting and reading a book. 

"Wow someone looks good!" She exclaims as she looks up from her book. "I have a little competition." Mads laughs as she puts her book down. I laugh as Mads makes me do a little twirl in the middle of the room. 

"Niall told me what was going on. Honestly Ellie, I don't want to go on a date with Niall. I'm leaving in 6 days and I'll most likely never see him again. I've talked to him and he has agree'd with me, I'm not going on one with him anymore." I look at Mads bluntly, well that was unexpected.

"Hey Ellie, I'll be another 10 minutes!" Niall calls from where I'm guessing is his room. Without thinking I say bye to Mads and run to my room and open my diary. 

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