Chapter Twenty Six: Fancy

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A/N: I promised another chapter because of my 1000 reads! I still can't believe that I just reached 1000 reads! Anyways enjoy this chapter and check out the video as well. 

Xox Kat

Smoothing my dress down I examine myself in the mirror, my hair is up in a towel and my I have no make up on, I look terrible! At least the dress is nice, I have a weak spot for blue dresses. This one goes down to mid thigh flowing loosely around my wasit. Under my breast is a white band and it just flows down nicely. Above the white band it’s a much paler blue with a mix of purple in it, matching my hair. I leave the bathroom and see Alex sitting on the bed with a heap of make up sprawled around.

“Wow I didn’t know I had that much!” I say taking the towel off my head and pushing my hair back and out of my face.

“Yeah well some of it is mine, I always have some makeup with me. Never know when you’ll help someone get ready for some fancy date!” Alex says sarcastically as she starts organising a few items. I sit beside her on the bed and grab the brush and start brushing my hair back and then slipping on a headband.

“So what are we going to do?” I ask watching as Alex then starts grouping different items together.

“Depends what look you what. If you want elegant then this.” Alex gestures to a small heap “if you want like sexy then this.” A slightly bigger heap “but if you want just want something plain then…” Alex pointed at the smallest pile. I tilted my head, examining each pile and what was in there.

“Ummm… I’m going to go elegant. But don’t go to overboard yeah?” I say examining the pile closely. “It is a fancy outing afterall.” I say, I get up and travel over to the vanity and take a seat as Alex picks up the pile of makeup and makes her way over to me, placing all the cosmetics on the surface. I look in the mirror once and then turn around to face Alex.

“Alright, let us begin.” I nod my head as Alex begins her work, instructing me to close my eyes, look up, pout etc.

45 minutes later and Alex has finished my make up now moving onto my hair.

“Do you want it straight or curly or natural?” Alex asks running her fingers through my hair. “Not to mention up or down.” I look at myself in the mirror and take in my make up! It’s absolutely amazing and I think it’s fair to say that I look stunning. Alex used a light purple eye shadow followed by an almost invisible white. There were no faults in my makeup, no pimples were appearing and my face was literally looking perfect.

“What do you think, I’d have it straight and down or curly and up in like some sort of bun with strands falling down.” I say turning to Alex. She smiles at me and looks closely at my hair.

“I’m thinking curly and up, your hair being straight would just annoy you. Alright let’s start your hair.” I swivelled back around and faced the mirror as Alex got out a hairbrush and softly brushed my hair. My hair being very thick it was very wet still so Alex reached over and picked up my hairdryer and began drying my hair. After a good 10 minutes my hair was finally dry and Alex began curling it a little more. I watched as Alex was in full concerntration making my hair go slightly curly. They were lose waves and it was starting to look really good.

I started to drift off into thought, just staring at myself in the mirror I started asking how I became so lucky to be going out on a date with Niall, he’s so sweet and just an overall amazing person. How did I, Ellie Stevens get so lucky to have an amazing guy in my life that I can call mine. I can’t remember the time when we officially became boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe it was that night at the club when we were celebrating my new job or was it as soon as he announced it through an interview. We haven’t gone far into our relationship yet but I think I’m already in love with him. Maybe it was how caring he was that made me fall so quickly or maybe it was just seeing him so often but now thinking about it even more I wander why me? I never liked the idea of celebrities, when I first met Niall I tried so hard to push him away yet he just kept pushing and trying to become a friend and then eventually this. When I think about it I was a total bitch to him but I didn’t know him, I guess that could be my excuse instead of that I just didn’t even bother. What if I continued pushing him away, what if I didn’t offer for him to come stay at my place until his flight? If that didn’t happen then I wouldn’t have gone to Ireland with him and Mads, I wouldn’t have gone on a date and kissed him. I wouldn’t be getting ready for a date with a new friend of whom we all met because of an outing. I for once actually played my cards correctly and here I am, in a stunning dress with my makeup done by a beautician and my hair sitting perfectly on top of my head in a gorgeous bun. I snap out of my thoughts as I realise that my hair is already done, I look up at Alex as she opens a can of hairspray and begins lightly spraying it over my hair in an attempt to keep it in its position.

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