Chapter 37: Life at the farm.

Start from the beginning

I need to go in using cover, I get some smoke pellets and my katana to stop the bullets.

When I get close enough I jump.... I almost don't make it, but just as the man shoots I cover Superboy and destroy the Kryptonite bullet.

"Who are you?" Asks Superboy.

"I'll explain later. The only thing you need to know is that I'm on your side" I say.

The man man shoots three bullets at almost the same time so one of the bullets hits me on the shoulder.

That's it. I run I take the gun away. I take out a special pellet that contains an anesthetic. But first I need to give Superboy a mask.

"Superboy! Put this on" I give him the mask.

As soon as Superboy puts the mask on I brake the pellet, leaving the shooter on the floor.

I notice that there is some Kriptonite on the floor and Superboy is weak.

"Come on" I offer my hand to help him and had takes it.

As soon as we get out of there I see Superman.

At first he looks concern but then he relaxes, I guess he can see through the mask that it's me. Superboy is strong now so it's time for me to go.

I make a quick escape and head back to the farm.

"Who was that?" Asks Conner.

"You'll see when we back to the farm" Clark says.

"Is that who I think it is!" Says Kara.

"Who is it?" By the time Conner asks that Kara is long gone.

When I get to the farm I see Martha standing at the door.

"Sweetie are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah don't worry, I got shot but it's not a big deal, it was a Kryptonite bullet."

"Do you need help?"

"No, that's okay thanks. I'll be at the barn if you need me"

I take my bag and get the material I need to get the bullet out and close the wound.

I'm about to close the wound when Clark walks in.

"Are you okay?" He asks.


"You know that bullets don't hurt us right?" He starts walking closer.

"If I were you I wouldn't come closer"


"It's Kryptonite bullets"

"Hmmmm....that odd, I hadn't really seeing someone besides us getting shot with a Kryptonite bullet. I thought it would break with the impact."

"Yeah I thought so too"

"Well at least let me check you don't have any Kryptonite left inside you" he makes a weird thing with his eyes. "You're good to go"


"Thank you. Wait you're closing the wound by yourself? Without any painkillers?"

"Yeah I know how to do it, I've done it for Bruce, and no I don't use painkillers, it doesn't hurt that much"

"There's someone that's wants to see you" Clark says.

Then I see Kara come in.

"Kara!!!" I say.

She hugs me.

"Look at you, you've changed since the last time I saw you and you know my real name" she says.

"I'm glad to see you"

"I knew it was you, I recognize the Bat family style"

We start laughing.

Then Conner comes.

"I'll leave you two alone" says Kara.

"So it was you" says Conner.

"You make it sound like it's something bad that I helped you"

"I had it under control"

"Right. In case you didn't notice that was Kryptonite"

"Fine!" Conner says.

"It's not wrong to admit that we need help sometimes"

Conner just walks away.

I feel a wave of anger inside me. I feel like I need to punch something. I punch some wood and brake it. I look at my hand and it doesn't hurt. I better get some rest.

"Did you see that?" Conner tells Clark.

"Yeah, there's something special about her. Conner I know it's hard for you but try yo be nice to her, maybe you'll be surprised"

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