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Liam: *introducing Theo* This is my ex-boyfriend Theo.

Theo: [to Liam] I told you to stop calling me that.

Theo: I'm his husband.


Liam: *wakes up* *turns to get out of bed*

Theo: Hey, Liam. I was wondering- stop screaming it's just me, did you know you are really cute when you talk about history? You should do it more often-


Mason : So, you and Theo seem really close.

Liam : We're just friends.

Mason : Oh please. You know more than anyone that he is one heartbeat away from getting your name tattooed on his ass.


Liam : I'm way too big to fit in that.

Theo : First time you ever had say that, huh?


Liam: I need you.

Theo: For?

Liam: Ever.


Theo : This is the dumbest thing you've ever done.

Liam : I don't know about that... Remember when I stole a horse to get into the Hunt?

Theo : ...


Liam : Aww... There's no snow yet.

Theo : That's okay babe. You can expect 8-9 inches tonight.


Liam : Please, tell me I'm hallucinating.

Theo : Well, I'm dreamy, but try to contain yourself.


Theo : This is, by far, the dumbest idea you've ever had!

Liam : Yeah, well, it's early.

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