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Mason: what's your favorite color?

Theo: Liam

Theo: wait, what was the question?


Corey: Aren't you worried about Liam watching a lot of porn?

Theo: *looks himself up and down* with this face? And this body? I don't think so.


Liam: Hey, hypothetical question: if I asked you to marry me would you say yes or no?

Theo: Are you asking me to marry you?

Liam:  That depends  on if you're saying yes.

Theo: I can't say yes if you're not really asking me!

Liam: Well, I'm not asking unless you say yes!

Mason: I don't understand how you two have made it as far as you have. 

Liam: Relationship wise or life? 

Mason: both.  

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now