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Liam: Theo? You wanna go?

Theo: Yeah.

Liam: On a date with me?

Liam: OH

Liam: YOU DO?!

Theo: Stop thinking you're so cunning, of course I agreed! You're my fucking boyfriend, you egg.


Liam: What's your biggest fear?

Theo: You.

Liam: Me?

Theo: Yeah. I'm scared that one day you will look in the mirror and realize how...

Theo: *sees Liam, Mason and Corey cooing because he's going to say something nice*

Theo: ...ugly you are and you will whine about it until our ears bleed and we all die. *takes another bite of cereal*

Mason: Aaaaand we're back!


Liam: Theo, I have feelings for you!

Theo:  Ah.

Theo: Really?

Theo: Why?

Theo: What's wrong with you?

Liam: ... 


Theo: *in the shower, singing terribly*

Liam: *outside bathroom door recording*

Stiles: *spots liam* What are you doing?

Liam: SSSHHH! *whispers* Blackmail.


Liam: Ouch!

Theo: What happened? Are you okay?

Liam: I bit my tongue.

Theo: ........Want me to kiss it better?

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now