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Theo: I want to die.

Liam: *exists*

Theo: Well, you got me there.


Liam:  I'm not the jealous type.

Mason: Oh great, because there's a  girl flirting with Theo-

Liam: *breaks glass in his hand*


Corey: Ever wonder what it's like to ride a lion, like a beastly one?

Liam: I don't have to wonder. I ride Theo every day.

Mason:  Corey is not allowed to ask Liam questions anymore.


Theo: Alright what's wrong? You've been pouting for the last hour....

Liam: Nothing, I'm fine

Theo: Ooookay then...

Liam: I just think it's funny how...

Theo: Oh, here we go.

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now