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Liam: Fuck you!

Theo: Fuck you!

Liam: Fuck you.

Theo: Fuck me.

Liam: Fuck you?

Theo: Fuck me.


Liam: Happy New Year!

Theo: New year, new me.

2 months later....

Liam: Theo why is there an unconscious man in our basement?

Theo: He scratched the truck.

Liam: What happened to New Year New you?

Theo: He's not dead is he?


Theo: Now Liam, you need to find a healthy way to get your anger out. So, when you are upset, try hitting this pillow.

Liam: *hits the pillow so hard, Theo gets hurt*

Theo: After I put it down!

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now