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Nolan: Theo isn't as bad as you described him to be.

Liam: You're right. He's much worse.


Liam: Look guys, I need help.

Mason: Love help?

Corey: Financial help?

Nolan: Emotional help?

Theo: Help moving a body?

[everyone looks at theo]

Theo: ... What?


Liam: You bought a taco?

Malia: Uh-huh

Liam: ......

Liam: From the truck that hit Theo?

Malia: Well me starving isn't gonna help him.


Theo: That's it I'm moving out!

Liam: What!? No!? Why!?

Theo: *smiles and holds up key* Come with me?

Corey & Mason: Yes, he says yes!

Liam: Again, what?

Mason: You uh, you're...

Corey: Loud, you guys are loud.

Theo: *scoffs* Yeah okay 'Daddy'

Corey & Mason: ...

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now