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Liam: The best revenge, really, is being nice.

Theo: *in distance* or murder.


Scott: What are you looking for?

Theo: My will to live.

*Liam walks in looking adorable as usual*

Theo: Oh look, there it is.

Scott: *proud alpha/dad moment*


Theo: What if the only reason we can't walk through mirrors is that our reflection blocks us?

Liam: What if they're protecting us though? What if they know that the other side is horrifying and painful? Maybe they are trying to keep us from crossing over.

Theo: I must be on the wrong side of the mirror then.

Liam: Maybe you're the reflection-

Stiles *trying to sleep*: I swear to fucking god if you both don't shut the fuck up.


Mason: I wish that you could block people in real life.

Liam: Restraining order.

Theo: Murder.


Liam: [after he found out that he had arranged a date for him with Theo] Remember when you said you weren't going to interfere with my love life?

Mason: No. That doesn't sound like me at all.


Liam: Theo asked me to get him a drink. What should I bring him?

Mason: I don't know...a drink?

Liam: He said to surprise him.

Mason: Serve it to him naked.


Liam: Without ugly in this world, the world be nothing beautiful.

Theo: Thank you for your sacrifice.


Liam: Am i cool or what?

Theo: What.

Liam: I said-

Theo: Oh, no, I heard you.

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now