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Liam: *pouting and whispering under his breath* God, I wish Theo was here.

Malia: *irritated* Okay, if Theo was here what would the two of you be doing?


Stiles: Seriously? Ew! What are you, rabbits? It's four in the afternoon!


Theo: You are so embarrassing!

Liam: Let go off my hand then...

Theo: No!


Mason: If I were a gardener, I'd put our tulips together.

Corey: Awww, babe. That's so sweet.

Liam: If I were a gardener, you'd be my hoe.

Theo: ...thanks.


Theo: Come on, man. I wasn't that drunk.

Liam: You came into my room and said you were "dressed to impress".

Theo: What was I wearing?

Liam: You were naked.


Liam: You have to help us, Theo. You can help saving the entire world, you can do the right thing.

Theo: You had me at "lasagna".

Liam: I never said "lasagna".

Theo: Well, I was thinking about it.


Theo: I've been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.

Liam: Wow. They sound stupid.

Theo: But they're not. They're really smart actually. Just dense.

Liam: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don't know, "Hey! I love you!"

Theo: I guess you're right. Hey, Liam, I love you!

Liam: See! Just say that!

Theo: You can't be fucking serious.

Liam: If that flies over their head then, sorry, but they're too dumb for you.

Theo: Liam...


Liam: You'd do that for me?

Theo: I'd do a lot of things to you.

Liam: For... for me.

Theo: Yeah, that too.


Theo: *picks up a piece of paper and shows it to Liam*

Theo: Hey Li, what's this?

Liam: My to do list.

Theo: But all it says is "fuck Theo"

Liam: Exactly.

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora