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Liam: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing-set?

Theo: No, I said, "Li, don't lick the swing-set" and you said, "Don't tell me what to do, Theo".

Liam: ...

Theo: And then you licked the swing-set.


Theo: Nice hands, Liam.

Liam: Uh... thanks?

Theo: I bet they'd look better wrapped around my-



Hayden: So, how is the hottest man in the world doing?

Liam: I don't know.

Liam: Theo, how are you doing?

Theo: I'm fine.

Liam: He's fine.

Hayden: ...


Theo: What are you doing?

Liam: I-I'm trying to give you a hug.

Theo: I thought you were attacking me.  


Theo:  I don't even have time to tell you how wrong you are *walks away*.


Theo:  *comes back* Actually, it's gonna bug me if I don't.


*Theo says something insensitive*

Liam: Let's pretend for one second that you're someone else; someone nice, someone mature.

Theo:  Oh, I love role-play. 


Mason: What's the best way to kill somebody?

Liam: Kindness!

Theo:  If we're talking stealthy, then potassium cyanide. Otherwise anything from a knife to a bazooka works. 


Liam: *walks into the room*

Theo: Well, looks like my ride's here!

Scott: But you drove here? Your truck is still sitting in the parking lot.

Theo: Who said anything about driving? 

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now