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Liam: hey Theo?

Theo: yeah?

Liam: can we talk?

Theo: unless we've somehow become telekinetic isn't that what we're doing?

Liam: great I'm in love with a murderer AND a sarcastic asshole.

Theo: technically he's still alive so not a murderer...

Liam: I tell you I love you and you're worried about technicalities??

Theo: ...yes. I already told you i loved you.

Liam: what when?

Theo: in the elevator


Liam: what... wait... oooohhh

Stiles: are you two dating?

Theo, resting his head on Liam's lap: what gives you that impression?


Liam: You're the bees knees.

Theo: Okay... Weird thing to say.

*Theo internally screaming with glee*: OMG, he likes me!

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now