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*doing a crossword*

Liam: I need a four letter word for breathtaking.

Theo: Liam...

Liam: *gasps* It fits!

Theo: I was actually just calling you but ok


Theo: What's the furthest you've ever been with a guy?

Liam: I went to Mexico with Scott and Stiles one time


Liam, knocking on the neighbor's door: i'm gonna tell him he's got to stop. he can't keep stealing our wi-fi. it's unbelievable.

Mason: yeah, i've been changing the password twice a month! twice a month! nope. we gotta tell him.

*the door opens*


Theo: yes?

Liam: *stares*

Theo: *is cute*

Liam: - can keep stealing our wi-fi. there's really no problem.

Mason: WHAT.

Thiam; Incorrect conversations Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now