a change in plans

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Gwen is sent to seduce a potential threat. (someone who is planning to lead a rebellion, has threatened to kill Arthur, or something along those lines.) Merlin and Leon go undercover to make sure Gwen is alright. No matter what Gwen tries, the potential threat slowly gets visibly more and more uncomfortable. When the potential threat starts flirting with Merlin, the whole plan changes. (Possibly ends with Arthur storming in and killing potential threat on spot)

Leon and Gwen had been gone for months now. Ever since Arthur had made the order, nobody had heard a word from the two.

That was until today. Merlin received a letter. The letter was from Leon, and it was requesting him to come help.

Swiftly Merlin raced to Arthur. The knucklehead was taking a nap in the afternoon when he should be doing paper work. Merlin didn't have time for scolding.

Throwing a glass of water, Merlin suddenly found an angered, and wet king in front of him. This would intimidate some. It didn't deter Merlin in the slightest.

"I got a letter from Leon."

Arthur immediately perked up. Apprehensively taking the letter after drying his hands on his pants, and completely forgetting his anger from Merlin waking him up with water.

When he finished, Arthur spoke, "go, they need you. Take a horse. Alert Gaius your leaving, and leave immediately."

Taking the letter Arthur was returning, Merlin found Arthur was holding it too tightly for him to take it.

"Be careful."

Then Merlin tugged it out, and on his way out, Merlin heard something along the lines of, "good luck, I'll miss you."


A couple days later Merlin made it to his destination. Following the instructions given, Merlin found the place Gwen and Leon were staying.

"Merlin! It's been too long!" Gwen spoke as she approached. Her hair was messily done, but it looked nice. Gwen must have nicked clothing somewhere, because the stuff she had was not her usual clothing. It was messy, yet it fit her well.

Nodding, Merlin said, "it has."

"Come this way. We've had a certain... twist in the plan and we'll need your help."

Merlin grinned. "You mean with my wonderful seducing skills?" Then struck a pose."

"Of course! C'mon Merlin, Leon is waiting. He's changed a bit for the sake of the mission." Then Gwen giggled, with a knowing look.

In awe of how much Gwen had changed over the years, he began to think of the first time they met. She was so awkward, yet kind. Over the years of being around an overconfident prat like Arthur, she'd gained confidence, a snarky side, and a sneaky side. The last one she'd always had, but hid. Then after Arthur and Gwen's short attempt at a relationship, she'd realized she had little to fear, and life always went on. Now she was just her cheeky self.

That was why Arthur had sent Gwen. Lord Hendrix was said to like cheeky dark haired people with a small build. Gwen fit all these now, and Arthur trusted her most to do this.

"So why am I here?" Merlin asked worriedly. They'd been sent on the mission, and told them they'd only contact anyone in Camelot if they truly thought they needed help.

Continuing walking, Gwen took a turn before answering, "there's a slight... curve... in our plans. We're not one hundred percent on it. But we're pretty sure. We think you can help. It's kind of hard to explain, so we'll have to just see later. For now, let's just find Leon."

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