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Pinterest inspired. Balinor has recently died.

Merlin had no idea what to do with the egg in his backpack. So he decided to go to Morgana with it. Just as he had done with the druid boy.

They had just been on a quest. Merlin had randomly found a Dragon egg and hauled it back in secret. Arthur being as oblivious as he was, didn't notice.

"Merlin, what a surprise. Come in." Morgana said casually. Also sarcasticly.

"Okay, let's get to business. Why are you here? Every time you come, you usually need something."

Merlin looked at the ground, and mumbled, "Ifoundadragoneggandneedhelphidingit."

Staring, Morgana gave him her 'what?' look.

Sigh. Then Merlin repeated himself. "I found a Dragon egg, and need help hiding It. I know you're against Uther's laws, and I thought-"

"Merlin, of course I'll help you! May I see it?"

Carefully, Merlin lifted the large, rough azure Dragon egg out of his bag, and laid it on Morgana's bed.

"It's beautiful," she breathed out.

Nodding, Merlin asked, "do you want to be his or her foster parents?"

Morgana nodded happily. That was the start of Morgana and Merlin attempting to raise a baby Dragon in Camelot.


Teylie. That was what Merlin named the Dragon. It meant blooming. That Teylie was. Although, she was mostly growing.

The azure Dragon had been trouble even before she hatched. Hiding a large blue egg that shook when cold, was quite the struggle. Take the author's word for it.

When Merlin had hatched her, Morgana had been awed at the cuteness. Holding Teylie, she looked like a mother. (Well if you think about it, Merlin is the mother because he hatched the Dragon) The Dragon had liked Morgana immediately, and made a small snort. When Teylie snorted, she snorted fire. On Morgana's eyebrow. Somehow only the eyebrow came off, and it didn't harm the skin. Yet, it was extremely challenging finding a reasonable explanation as to why Morgana was missing an eyebrow.

When Teylie was too big to stay in the castle, they had to sneak her out somehow. They told Arthur that they had accidentally brought a cow into the castle, and needed to being it back without Uther knowing. So Arthur handed Morgana a key, and helped. Although, he did comment "that's a huge cow!" When he saw the blanket over the 'cow'. The oblivious Prince didn't think to look under the blanket either.

When they had gotten her out, Teylie wouldn't let Merlin leave. So Merlin was forced to take two weeks off. In those two weeks, he taught Teylie how to survive, and ordered her to never go to Camelot. Because he had to protect both, his Dragon (If he didn't, Morgana would probably kill him, because she was so attached) and his precious Prince.

Soon they had a full sized Dragon that loved playing with Morgana and Merlin. Another thing you've probably figured out, is that playing with a Dragon is fairly dangerous. That didn't matter to Morgana and Merlin. Because Merlin could heal most of the injuries they could get. Yes Morgana knew now.

Other sorcerers hated Arthur, and caused a huge battle like the last two episodes. Morgana is still good, and Teylie is still around.

When Arthur was injured, and sure he'd never make it to wherever Merlin was going, he was surprised to find a large azure Dragon flying towards them. Some strange reason Merlin didn't bat an eye.

"Remember that time me and Morgana asked for your help to get a cow out of the castle?" Arthur nodded at Merlin's question. "Well that was this beauty. She was a lot smaller then."

He lay there gaping at Merlin. "You... Got a... Dragon... Past me?"

"Yup, and a lot of other things."

When Merlin mentioned riding Tylie, Arthur fainted. So Merlin quickly (well as quickly as he could carry him anyway) carried Arthur onto Tylie, and then flew to Lake Avalon.

In a month Arthur was back to ruling his kingdom. He still couldn't get over the fact that Merlin and Morgana had a Dragon.

Merlin one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now