Morgana's maze

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Sorry its been so long since I last updated. I've been busy.

Anyway, enjoy!

"The important thing to remember, is that this could have gone much worse."

Arthur snorted before saying, "how could this possibly be worse? We're stuck in Morgana's maze, which has a dragon guarding it, and practically waiting to be found because one of the sky high maze hedges grabbed us. Now we're stuck, without our weapons while the stupid, magical hedge holds us prisoners. Now please tell me what in the five kingdoms could possibly be worse than that?"

 Now please tell me what in the five kingdoms could possibly be worse than that?"

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Not made by me. Made by ~999Anaida
What Merlin looks like right now in the maze. They are currently in a hedge circle, able to look at eachother. (The knights are there.)

"A lot actually," Merlin mutters to himself while looking down. Starting to remember all the times Arthur, himself, or his friends had nearly died. Some had died. There were times that he'd been tortured, and times Arthur almost found out about Merlin's magic.

Those were only the first thoughts that came to Merlin's mind before Percival decided to speak up, "Arthur, don't start. He obviously doesn't want to talk about it. We should focus on getting out."

"Actually Percival, I would like to know why Merlin is here. We told him to stay behind, and here he is."

"How about you give him A break Arthur? He warned you about the trap, but you didn't listen," Elyan seemed rather annoyed at Arthur. Probably because they could have avoided this situation if Arthur had just listened to Merlin for once in his life.

"Oh? Why are you taking his side? You're supposed to be loyal to me!" Turns out Arthur was in one of his moods.

"All due respect sire, but I'm taking Merlin's side with this one too!" There was Leon deciding to join in too.

"What about you Gwaine? Are you going to choose Merlin too?"

"Nah I choose beer. Merlin is my next choice though."

"I thought I could trust you guys! Now I'm just an annoying Prince!" Arthur was sobbing in a very unprince like manner.

While the others were arguing, Merlin had used a spell to get himself down. "Glad you at least recognize that you're annoying," Merlin muttered from the ground.

Seeing Merlin was down, Arthur quit his fake sobbing, and called dramatically, "Merlin save meeee!"

"Are you drunk?" That was the only reasonable explanation to how Arthur was acting at the moment.

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