Because I dared you to!

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"Wait, what?" Merlin asked in horror.

"You heard me."

"Why would I do that Gwaine?"

Gwaine chuckled. "Because I dared you to!"

"Ugh, Fine!"

Merlin seriously hated Gwaine's dares. They were usually embarrassing. Just like this one was going to be.

Strutting over to where he knew Arthur to be, Merlin got an angered expression on his face. If he was going to do it, he was doing it well.

Arthur was having breakfast with a few other knights. When they caught sight of Merlin, they all got quiet. None of them had seen Merlin mad before. So his acting was seen as real emotion.

"Arthur Pendragon! How dare you leave me alone last night! That was extremely rude of you! Am I not worth your time? Do you know how much it hurt, when I woke up to find you were gone? Why would you leave me? I don't understand Arthur! Was this all just a game to you?" Merlin screeched annoyingly.

He knew how girly he must sound, but he didn't care. It was just a dare. He could explain it later. It was one of Gwaine's dares. They'd probably say something along the lines of "makes sense," or "fair."

Arthur caught in almost immediately. He decided to play along. He got up, and placed his hands on Merlin's waist. He could see the shock in Merlin's eyes, but for the rest, Merlin didn't show it.

"So sorry Merls." Arthur's arms slipped further around Merlin's waist. "Maybe I can make it up to you," he says beside Merlin's ear. Arthur began to smirk when he felt Merlin shiver.

Bringing his head down, he placed his mouth on Merlin's collar bone and began to suck lightly. The gasp that this brought, made Arthur suck harder for a moment. Then Arthur brought his tongue slightly lower than the hockey he'd just given, and licked over the hickey all the way to Merlin's ear.

In the meantime, Merlin had become jelly in his hands. Arthur could only guess at the expression on his face right now.

"Tonight you'll completely forget why you were angry in the first place. Make sure you clean up all the stuff from this hunting trip, and then meet me in my room. You'll be screaming my name so hard. I have to go now Merls. See you later."

Arthur left behind a group of unsurprised knights, and a blushing servant. The knights had already thought they were together. To them, this was just the first display of affection they'd seen.

Merlin couldn't create a coherent thought. WhAt had just happened?

In the distance, Gwaine almost peed himself laughing. That was the best dare ever!


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