Silver Valley continued

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4K reads! Thanks if you've read, commented, or Voted up to this point! This chapter isn't as good as I planned it to be, but I wanted to get it published before I have to leave. I won't have any internet for about two weeks. Enjoy Merlinians!

"Camelot? The man who beat me... Resides in... Camelot?" Willard questioned his knight Sir Roldan.

"Yes sire."

"And you believe it is still on Merlin's friend?"

"Yes sire."

"Then you and I should pay them a visit. It'll be quite painful without magic, but we'll make do."


Back in Camelot, Merlin and Arthur were now truly best friends. They no longer kept any secrets from each other. They may have truly become best friends, but they still loved teasing, embarrassing, and insulting each other. In fact, these things happened even more then before.

Although, things were going quite well, they still had no idea about the tracker placed on Arthur.

"We're going to training Merlin."

"But Artthhhuuuurrrrr-"

"No. You're coming. The knights have agreed to help train you because you're always coming on missions with us. It might also be for fun.... And for me to watch you fail, but at least you won't have to lay on the side while we fight anymore."

"But-" Merlin tried one last time.

"You're coming and that's that."

Sigh. This was going to be a long day. Merlin thought to himself.


When Willard arrived in Camelot, he realized it was roughly the same size as Silver Valley. This did not sit well with him. He felt Silver Valley should be bigger, because it was better.

As he walked in, he found a sorcerer being executed. Just as people without magic were executed in his kingdom. Seeing this, he had wanted to storm up to King Uther, and kill him. Unfortunately, that wasn't the purpose of this mission. Finding Merlin was.

"Where does the tracker tell us to go?" Willard asked his old friend, Sir Roldan. Mostly to get his mind off of the poor fellow about to be beheaded.

Closing his eyes Roldan muttered, "towards the castle, most likely in their training field."

"Alright, let's go find him." Willard started towards the large castle with a cocky grin, promptly forgetting the execution.


At the moment Arthur was finding that the warlock fighting in front of him was a rather quick learner. The only thing he was really lacking was strength and experience. He'd already gone through three years worth of drills.

It was rather aggravating. If Merlin continued like this, he'd be up to the knight's skill level in no time! Then they wouldn't have anyone to make fun of anymore.

"Merlin, you're doing horrible!" He called despite his thoughts. Arthur was going to make fun of him for as long as he could. "Can you do anything right?"

Smirking, Merlin answered, "Well there is one thing, but-" clang, Merlin defended himself from a surprise attack. It had been Gwaine. "You prat," Merlin nodded towards Arthur before blocking another hit. "Don't allow me to do it." Then Merlin was down.

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