issues with ages, and a scolding. part 1

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An awesome idea given to me by The_Girl_In_The_Mask although, I may have tweaked it a bit here and there.


"What do you want now Merlin?"

Merlin's pout showed Arthur just how much the spell affected Merlin. "My butt hurts from riding a horse so long!"

"Unfortunately, it's still a two day ride to Camelot, so you'll have to get used to it." Arthur sighed loudly.

Someone put a spell on Merlin to make him younger. Merlin had stated that he was fourteen, and he'd demanded to know who this strange man was. When Arthur had told him he was his future boss, Merlin had muttered something about 'annoying prats,' and 'desperation being a horrible thing'.

When Merlin heard the word 'Camelot', he attempted to jump off his horse and run away. Being super clumsy, the furthest he got was face planting off his horse, and an attempt to scramble away.
Arthur swooped him up in his arms. Then with another sigh, he angrily asked, "What's wrong this time Merlin?"

"You said we were going to," then with a whisper Merlin spoke, "Camelot!"

"Yes, Camelot. That's where we live you idiot. You work for me and your uncle Gaius."

"Gaius?" Merlin asked. "Mum told me about him before."

Another sigh from Arthur. "Alright, get on your horse, and let's hope to any higher beings there are, that Gaius has a remedy for this."

Grumpily, Merlin went to get back on the tall chestnut horse that he had suddenly been on. It had been quite a shock. Then there was a man in a strange cloak running away, and this man in armour checking to see if Merlin was okay. The man who he now knew to be Arthur had seemed quite distraught about Merlin being hit by that spell.

Merlin remembered going to bed, and then he woke up in a different position, place, and apparently, time. Merlin knew this could all just be a ruse to get him to Camelot, but what else could he do? Maybe what 'his boss' said was the truth. He couldn't use magic around this man if that was true.

By the looks of it, Arthur was a noble, or a knight. If that was true, that would make Merlin a servant. In Camelot. Times must have been really dire for that to have happened.

"So how did we meet?" Merlin asked. If they had a two day trip, then he may as well pry some information out of Arthur.

Arthur glared at Merlin, before starting, "If you must know, the first time we met, you were being an idiot, and you stood up for a servant that I was teasing. Then you threatened, and attempted to punch me, for which you got put in jail. Gaius got you out though."

"I lay low unless there's an injustice being done around me. You were obviously doing more than just teasing."

"Lay low? Please Merlin. You do pretty much the opposite! You're always doing something strange, and everyone notices you!" Arthur shouted in frustration.

This kid was a younger version of his manservant, except with even more of an attitude, a lost memory of their time together, and fourteen year old Merlin saw himself very different than Arthur saw the older Merlin. Maybe Merlin had changed a lot over the years?

There was also something about almost being in your mid teens. It's usually the time people begin rebelling and changing. It's the time people begin thinking for themselves, and move away from parental figures. Of course there's exceptions. Like some people getting this phase early, or late. What they rebel against depends on the person and the circumstances they're in.

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