While waiting for Arthur

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Kinda sad. I'm still on vacay, enjoy if you like angst. This chapter was basically made because I thought of pirate Merlin, and loved the idea.

Wind blowing in his grown out dark hair, Merlin took a breath of salt air. He was enjoying the sunset.

"Merlin, we need you at the sails! We're coming up beside a ship!"

Gathering himself, he swiftly did as asked. Helping with ropes, pulleys and gears that he had become accustomed to in the last ten years.

The men who had been on this ship as long as Merlin were starting to believe he was truly immortal. Somehow, he looked the same as when he first boarded the ship.

Now, all the people on Captain Malabar's ship were boarding the 'swift nightmare' as the boat was called.

Over the years, someone actually taught Merlin how to use a sword. So instead of hanging on the sidelines as he used to, he jumped right into battle with his new friends. Well they were friends for ten years, but Merlin still counted them as 'new'.

Seeing as it was a surprise attack, Malabar easily took over the ship. Everything passed in a blur for Merlin. People walking the plank, them looting all the gold and valuables, last but not least, burning the ship down. Same old stuff that he'd done with Captain Malabar's father, Captain Malabar's father's father, and Captain Malabar's father's father's father.

"Merlin, you alright mate?" Malabar asked.

Nodding he took a pained look towards the horizon. The gold colour in the sky reminded him of Arthur's hair.

Malabar knew Merlin was immortal. In fact, Merlin was basically his second father.

"If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you. I know you've been through a lot.

"Thank you Malabar. I simply need a place where I can stay for a while. That's what your family has provided me. I am thankful."

"And you Merlin have saved our lives many times. I owe it to you. There's no need to be thankful." Malabar then gave Merlin a clap on the back, and headed towards his crew.

The one thing he'd been thinking about lately was what Arthur had asked of him. To never change. That wasn't possible. He needed to change to fit in. Last time he had tried to keep his old ways, he'd ended up being murdered. Unfortunately, dying hurt, so Merlin decided he'd rather change.

At the moment, Merlin didn't need a random shoulder to cry on. He needed a certain person's shoulder to cry on. That wasn't possible, so he'd have to keep moving. As he always did.


This century, Merlin had become a peasant.

The king he had at some point been a mentor to, had died. His son had taken over with his biased, cruel ways.

There was a rebellion starting, and Merlin sincerely didn't care. He stopped caring a while ago. The only thing that could truly make Merlin happy, was Arthur's return, but it seemed that wouldn't happen anytime soon.

In the past two hundred years, Merlin had been hanged, burned at the stake, and had his head cut off thirteen times in total. People kept accusing him of witchcraft, which he did in fact do sometimes. Although, only two of the thirteen times, he had actually been doing magic.


Merlin was now stuck in a casket. Some strange reason, the town's people had thought him to be a vampire, (most likely because of his pale skin) at the time he hadn't cared. Another two hundred years to think.

So he stayed there. For a long time. It simply hadn't mattered that he was stuck in a casket for a while.

Now he cared very much. A powerful surge of magic was thrown into the air. Arthur was back. It seemed Merlin would not be there to see Arthur. For, no matter how much he kicked, screamed and pushed, he could not get out. The old town's people had made sure of that.

Merlin broke down in tears for the first time in years. His chance... Gone. All because he'd decided to take a small break from civilization's cruelty.

It seemed civilization wasn't the only cruel thing, because when Merlin finally got out, he found Albion. The night before Merlin got out, Arthur died of old age. Now, all Merlin could do, was watch, and hope one day he and Arthur could be reunited.

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