Raised by bandits.

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There had been far too many successful raids this month! The worst part was that they hadn't a clue who was doing it. Not even a trace of evidence!

The only thing anyone knew was that when the raiders went into action, everyone there ment to protect would fall asleep instantly.

Many had discussed with Uther where they believed the next raid to be. Although it seemed that the raiders had been going in a line straight to Camelot.

Now it was up to Arthur to stop them before the raiders got too bold. He was waiting in a village near to Camelot, where the next supposed raid would take place. They had been there waiting for a while, yet no signs of a raid were anywhere in sight. So they waited longer.

Most knights were getting into their bedrolls. Arthur was quite tired as well but nature called, and he headed off in a random direction.

Even with all the things he was gifted due to his status, Arthur still felt deprived of one thing. A true friend. That was all he wanted. Someone who didn't treat him differently just because of his title. A person he could truly trust and trusted him back.

Arthur knew it wouldn't happen any time soon, yet he still wished upon that one star that Leon had called a wishing star. It would supposedly grant wishes if you were desperate enough.

On the other side of the camp, a black haired, large eared boy had wished on the same star. He had wished to have someone with a kind heart to be loyal to. Not these bandits that threatened his mother if he didn't help them. Once they had followed through with their threats. It was his fault his little brother Yorin had died. Following orders kept him, and his mother alive.

"Boy! Come here." Sith called.


"It's time to put the plan into action. You're in the third row. Do your thing kid." Sith was the boss. He had banded together a group of Men who fought mercilessly, and claimed handsome amounts of money.

When Sith found the little boy who could use magic in the blink of an eye, he knew he would be extremely valuable. The boy had become the reason their group was so successful. Sith got him a few spell books to keep him occupied and to prepare him for oncoming raids.

Although Sith still wasn't sure of the boy's name. He simply wouldn't tell. Most referred to him as 'boy' or 'gold eyes'. Some referred to him as 'retard' or 'fool'. He couldn't care less. If the boy didn't want to tell, he didn't have to. As long as he helped in raids. Sith could tell the boy found pride, and power in others not knowing his name, but once again, he didn't care.

"NOW!" Sith screamed causing forty men to attack the group of forty knights. Camelot knights. They were out of Cendred's kingdom. Magic was outlawed here. The boy knew he still had his job to do.

Mumbling a few words under his breath, making all the knights fall. Putting them into a long pleasant sleep. The boy always gave them good dreams, even if it took more energy than necessary.

Today was the day. His plan had been fully thought through. his mother should have received the letter and went into hiding. He muttered another spell that he had figured out himself without books or people to teach him. He'd simply muttered the words and found himself invisible for a day. He hadn't considered the large men that usually swerved around him.

When the men left, a trampled invisible boy was left behind. With his injuries, he wouldn't be able to hold the spell much longer. With all his will power he kept the magic focused on the spell and not on healing himself. He heard a few foot steps but paid it no mind. They couldn't find him right now anyway. His plan had missed a simple factor, and was going downhill extremely fast. He brought his thoughts back to maintaining the spell and keeping himself invisible for a while. That is until he lost control from unconsciousness.

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