The Offer

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YAY! 500 reads! I'd say that's a lot, so here's a long chapter!

Not sure if anyone else has stories like this or not, but enjoy, and tell me your thoughts. I also found my new favorite name. You'll hear it a lot, he's the tour guide.

Beautiful. That was all that could describe this kingdom. Merlin was in love with the land, the people, and their ways. Honestly this place made him want to quit working for Arthur and come here. Maybe their Prince was looking for a servant.

As they rode in Merlin saw multiple people with magic doing everyday jobs, and making everything in general, easier. Yes, there were people working without magic, but the people with, were simply doing more important, and better jobs, so they were more noticeable.

"Merlin, stop staring, and get over here before you get lost!" This shook Merlin out of his trance-like state, and he hurried back over to his king. They were going to a new kingdom to (hopefully) make another ally. Merlin had never been to a kingdom that truly accepted magic. Yes, Cendred's kingdom allowed magic, but they didn't truly accept it.

When the knights saw the castle, they gasped. It seemed to be made of Amber. The roof looked like it was made of rubies, and the doors seemed to be made of obsidian. Their castle was tall, yet sturdy looking.

"Ah, you must be the group from Camelot." A short man with a long red beard, and a long nose interrupted their thoughts. "My name is Gatwick, I've been assigned to lead you around for today and explain how our kingdom works. Tomorrow you will meet with the king."

This caused a murmur to arise from the knights, due to them believing it rude to not meet your guests immediately. Even with that thought, they didn't complain. Every person in their group wished to know more about this stranger kingdom.

"First things first, I have to test each and every one of you to see if any of you have magic."

Arthur decided to pipe in, "That will not be necessary. None of us have magic."

"I realize your kingdom allows no magic, but there may still be a sorcerer, or possibly even a warlock in your midst." This caused a confused look to go around the knights faces. "Oh sorry, I assumed you knew the difference. A sorcerer has to practice magic to actually get magic whatsoever and if he doesn't use it for a period of time loses it. While a warlock is born with it, always has it and has a tendency to automatically use it. Make sense?"

The knights nodded.

"Also just to be clear, if one of you has magic and wishes not to tell the others, I will respect your choice." Gatwick's words calmed Merlin slightly.

Everyone seemed calm as they were one by one taken into the mini hut on the left side of the city gate. Well except Merlin, but nobody took notice as usual. Each knight came in, and came out with a calm expression. After Arthur had his turn he pressed, "okay, we've proven there is no magic in our group, now can we go?"

For the tiniest second Merlin felt hope emerge, but that hope was squashed when the man pointed him out. "One more."

The knights scoffed and started chatting amongst themselves. Not even seeing Merlin's horrified expression. Nor did they see the shake that had been added to his step.

The second he stepped into the tent there was a rather quiet noise. Ping.

When they were fully inside the tent, he realized that there was a magical entrance into a working space. Merlin marveled at the amount of workers all usuing magic to move a large block of Amber.

"Ah you see it too?" Merlin nodded. "Were you aware that you do in fact have magic?"

"I'd rather not answer that."

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