The Realm Of Omniscience

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Italics are Arthur's thoughts, interest inspired.

Arthur was in the library doing some research because Merlin wasn't around to do it for him. Other servants just didn't do the research well. So he took precious time and started looking.

To be fair, this excuse had gotten him out of a rather boring matter that he didn't have to be there for. They just preferred him there. Even if he didn't say a single thing.

Arthur was in a hidden section Geoffrey had showed him. There were a few magical books stored there in case they were ever needed by the king. Well Arthur wasn't the king yet, but nevertheless he was allowed in.

So there he was going through book after book trying to find useful information on what Nimuah had supposedly done to conjure his mother. It was taking longer than usual due to his raven haired friend not being there to help him.

Speaking of Merlin, Arthur was beginning to wonder when he'd come back exactly. The boy had gone on a trip to try to find a sibling he'd just learned about. Apparently the sibling was on his dad's side, that was why he'd never heard of him. At the time Merlin had said he'd be gone for about three months, maybe a bit more of less depending on what happened. Arthur had refused to let Merlin go, but Uther had been around. Uther had told Arthur that he could survive a few months without Merlin. Somehow Uther had seen how clingy Arthur had become to his servant, and decided to see how they would do apart for some time.

Now, he was stuck going through a dusty hidden room all by himself. There were a few footprints, along with a spot that had far less dust than other spots. The room was rather messy, almost like there was a brief fight, or commotion. Wondering what had happened was something Arthur did when he switched books. That was not often.

Finding information was definitely not Arthur's specialty, but from what he'd read so far, it seemed Nimuah had told the truth. Despite the research he'd done, he remembered Merlin's words and kept searching more.

Switching books for probably the fortieth time, he attempted to grab a large book. The book seemed to erode as he grabbed it, and soon it was replaced by a pile of dust. Amazed by this discovery, Arthur took a better look. There was something behind it. He never would've noticed it if the book hadn't eroded like that.

Slipping his hand over the dust, he avoided getting any on his shirt so he wouldn't have to ask George to clean it later. Arthur wanted to avoid as many run ins with George as possible. This month he'd learned how to put on his own armour, dress himself, and had become good friends with the cook. The cook was far better to be around then George.

Grabbing gently at the hidden object, he managed to pull it out keeping both it, and his shirt clean. The object was a small silvery book. It seemed to be glowing. Arthur could not take his eyes off of it. The detailed spine of the book, to the fancy writing on the front, simply drew his attention. The cover read 'open to learn the things you need to know'. That drew his attention more than the details. Would this book actually give him the answers he needed? He was about to find out.

Flipping the hard cover, he found a small warning. 'Those who look further may not find the answers they seek, yet they often don't turn their cheek at what comes to mind.' Whatever that means anyway, Arthur thought.

Now more curious than before, he eagerly opened to the next page. There was a handprint with a few runes and patterns going over it. Arthur had a sudden want... no, a need to place his hand on the handprint. So he did. Everything went black.


Waking, Arthur slowly opened his eyes to view his surroundings. The walls were covered in an arrangement of jems and a glowing silver. Just as the one from the book. Wait... The book? The last thing I remember is putting my hand on the... Was the book magical?

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