The unexpected

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I never knew why authors were so evil... until I started writing myself. It's fun. This is inspired by story prompt on pinterest.

I don't like the name, so if you have any better ideas for this chapter to be named, let me know.

"I assume I deserve this, but can you tell me why you want to kill me this time?" Arthur asked calmly.

The man in front of him smiled. This was quite a horrid sight because the few teeth he had left were black."It's not you I'm attempting to get young Pendragon. I'm attempting to lure Emrys here. You'll be released as soon as I catch him."

Arthur's eyebrow went up. "Emrys? I've heard of him before from a druid. Since you're not after me, could you tell me about him?" If he had to be in a situation like this again, he may as well attempt to get some information.

"Ah yes. Of course you heard it from them. The druids are the ones who kept legends of him alive. He's much like a celebrity in the magical world. He could ask nearly any magical person for help, and they would be at his feet thanking him for the opportunity," He paused to make sure Arthur was still listening. Indeed he was. Arthur was hanging onto every word. "Despite this, he does not. Emrys is quite humble and will not tell many his true identity. Although, it is rumoured by many, and I mean many, that he will do anything for you. That's why you're here."

Arthur spoke up, "and why is he such a celebrity? What great deeds has he done?"

The toothless, bushy haired man in front of him sighed in appreciation. Then he began, "it is said that Emrys is a warlock." After seeing Arthur's confused look, he explained, "a warlock is born with magic. It is harder to control, and stronger. Once they have a grip on it, they become almost unstoppable."

"And this Emrys fellow has a grip on It then I assume."

"Indeed he does." A smirk fell on his face. "There's been rumours of how he is also a dragon Lord and told the last dragon to leave Camelot alone. There was no body left from your battle, so forgive me for believing this. Then he has been able to hide his often uncontrollable magic bursts enough to not be noticed in Camelot." The man walked behind Arthur. It sounded like he was using some sort of cloth.

"Whats your name?" Arthur asked.

"Couldn't say. Too many people would be after me if I went about telling people."

The soft fluttering of cloth continued behind him.

"Some say he's survived a serket sting."

This was very impressive to Arthur. "Isn't there no cure?"

"Well there is rumoured to be one among the druids. I am rather unsure of it though." He paused for dramatic effect. "Then I've heard he's managed to outsmart a troll."

Wait what? "May I ask where it was? Do you know?"

"You're very polite for a prince," he commented. "It was right in your home. Camelot. Heard the troll made Uther fall in love with her. Cracked me up when old Jim told me."

That couldn't be right... Gaius and Merlin figured it out together. Clumsy Merlin? He couldn't be a powerful... warlock. Gaius? He had practiced magic before. He was more likely. Still not very likely though. Perhaps there was someone helping them.

"Emrys is also rumoured to have saved your life numerous times, so you owe him big time. There's also other rumours, like him defeating a high priestess, which is practically unheard of. They're basically invincible. Or the time that the witch finder was proven a fake, he had been on Emrys' trail. So he found a way to get rid of him. Then there were rumours of him being controlled by a fomorroh and being ordered to kill you. Despite this, he fought it somehow. My guess is he had help."

Merlin one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora